Drunk! Levi x reader; Love the way you lie

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WARNING FOR COARSE LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE IN THE FORM OF ABUSE. If it bothers you, exit the story. You have been warned. 

On the first page of our story

The future seemed so bright

Then this thing turned out so evil

I don’t know why I’m still surprised

Even angels have their wicked schemes

And you take that to new extremes

But you’ll always be my hero

Even though you’ve lost your mind

    Levi sat alone on the sofa, the room getting darker with each minute that passed. He sat there, his steely eyes staring at the liquor bottle that he gripped in his pale hands. Three hours. But you still weren’t home. Levi knew he couldn’t deny the truth that ate away at his mind any longer. There was only one explanation, and it was that you were cheating. It was the only thing that made sense.

    Five hours. Yet you still weren’t home and he still sat on the sofa, the TV now flickering in the background, casting its shifting light around the dark room and reflecting on the glass coffee table. Levi felt a tear snake down his cheek, startling him. He quickly wiped it away. If what I think is happening is true, the bitch doesn’t deserve my tears, he thought angrily to himself. He took another swig from his bottle before he dropped it beside the other four now littering the floor.

    The sound of keys turning the bolt in the door snapped his attention to the front of the apartment. He quickly stood from his place on the sofa to greet you. Levi gritted his teeth as your form walked through the door, your arms laden down with dozens of shopping bags that you gladly placed down upon the kitchen table.

    “Honey, I’m home!” You called, though Levi already knew that.

    “Tch. Where the hell have you been, (f/n)?” He questioned, wanting to get straight to the point and figure out what was happening between you two.

    You gave him a baffled look and motioned to the bags that now littered the table, “I was shopping, Levi. Is everything okay?” You asked him. Levi scowled, displeased at himself for allowing you to see him so disheveled.

    “So you were shopping tonight. What about last night, or the night before, or even the night before that?” Levi asked bitterly.

    Levi watched your beautiful face fall, clearly understanding his accusations, “It’s not what you think,” you stated.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

But that’s all right because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

Oh, I love the way you lie


    “It’s not what I think?” Levi repeated. “What the fuck am I supposed to make of that, (f/n)?” He asked angrily.

    You let out a heavy sigh and rolled your eyes, trying to make your way passed Levi and into the living room, but he quickly grabbed hold of your wrist. You fought against his strength, his fingers squeezing tightly, melding into your bones.

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