Mine {Sebastian x Demon Reader}

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Some say that living in the Phantomhive Manor would be dull and boring. You didn't think so. On the contrary, there were things that occurred that made it quite amusing to live on the large estate. One was the constant misfortunes that befell the servants, such as the breaking of a substantial amount of dishes, or the accidental killing of an entire garden. These events were the result of the servants' own clumsiness, and in part, foolishness; it made the Phantomhive Manor so much more lively and humorous than it would be without them.

One more thing that amused you at the manor was the head butler, Sebastian. When you first found the house, you were surprised to see another demon there, and quickly realized that he was under contract to the earl that owned the vast amount of land and it's residence. It was also a surprise when you saw how young the boy was. Usually, your contractors had been adults who were too blinded by the greed of their own hearts to make the sensible choice and walk away from the deal that was being offered. You understood the basic details of Sebastian's contract, and enjoyed the fact that a heart so young could be twisted by the world's malevolence. 

Sebastian's reactions to the servants' mistakes made you laugh. Of course, there were times when seeing those mistakes were tiresome, but those times were small in comparison to the entertainment you got out of seeing Sebastian have to deal with everything time and time again. 

The way you had met the household was entirely an accident. You had been coming from a contractor's house, after you had disposed of him, having finished your agreement. Hearing about the earl from some people on the street, you decided to pay him a visit. However, when you slipped into his house, you were quickly met with Sebastian's weapons and fled from the manor. Under his master's orders, Sebastian practically chased you across the city, wanting answers as to why you had been in the process of sneaking into the Phantomhive Manor.

After that incident, Sebastian made you apologize to his master, although you were rather annoyed about having to in the first place. For some reason, you kept visiting time after time, and Earl Phantomhive, who was now your master as well, had made you a part of his staff after learning how long you had managed to stay out of Sebastian's reach. Your job, more or less, was that of a maid, and trying to help the other servants stay out of trouble. It wasn't that bad of a life, and you enjoyed it more than scouring the streets for a poor soul who happened to venture upon you.

This particular evening, you had decided to have some fun by aggravating the head butler. Knowing of his hatred for dogs, you had obtained some of the creatures, who weren't that bad in your eyes, and placed seven of them, directly inside his room. When he retired to his room, you could hear his immediate gasp of surprise and disgust as he found them. Afterwards, he chased the canines out of the manor and came back with a scowl on his face, his red eyes glaring at you.

“That wasn't the slightest bit funny, (Y/N).” Sebastian said sharply, coming to stand in front of you. 

“I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Sebastian.” you replied. There was no smile on your face, but your (e/c) eyes were bright and full of mischief. You had pulled many pranks on Sebastian since you had come to live here. It was too much fun to stop!

Sebastian was about to reply, but was interrupted by Ciel yelling for him. It seemed that the barking had woken him up. 


Things had calmed down, at least for the moment. Softly humming, you made your way through the manor, intending on going to your room to wait until morning. 

That wasn't what happened at all.

Your shoulders were slammed into the wall and your (e/c) eyes met red ones that were full of annoyance.

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