Red {Aomine x Reader}

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"I’m sorry, but you’re like a little sister to me, (Last Name)-san.” 

The words wouldn’t leave your mind. Clutching the shiny, red box of chocolates, you closed your eyes. You were so stupid to believe that (B/N) would ever like you like that. Of course he didn’t want your stupid, homemade chocolates.

Of course he didn’t care that you had spent hours trying to perfect the perfect ratio of chocolate and sweetness just for him. Of course he didn’t care about how you went out and bought the stupid, stupid molds for the chocolate hearts for today. Of course he didn’t care about you at all.

You furiously wiped away the tears falling down your cheeks. You wanted to throw the box off the roof and forget about today. There was no way you were going to avoid seeing your friends and definitely no way you were going to avoid their questions. How could you tell them you had been rejected? That he didn't even spare you a second glance once he realized what was going on? And worse, tell them exactly what (B/N) had said to you? He hadn’t even bothered to look inside the box when you had tried to get him to take them. He had simply shaken his head and walked away.

You cupped your face and tried to stifle back the sobs. You wanted to go home. Screaming into a pillow would be good right now. Soaking in a hot bath would also be good. How long until the bell signaling the end of lunch rang? There was no way you were going to return to class now. The first time you decided to make chocolates for your first real crush, only to be so rejected…

No. You were done pitying yourself. Gathering up your things, you sucked in a deep breath. You were going to wait for the lunch bell to ring and then leave the rooftop. You were going to go straight to your shoe locker and get your shoes. Then, you were going home to cry yourself to sleep. Yes, your plans were set and that was what you going to do. No more crying and wallowing in misery.  

Closing your eyes, you took another deep breath, just to steady yourself. The bell would ring soon and you could finally forget about today. Pushing yourself upright, you started to dust off your uniform when the door to the rooftop suddenly flew open.

  A yelp escaped your lips just as a navy haired boy stepped across the threshold. He froze once he realized you were standing there, staring into your eyes for an eternity before letting out a loud tsk. There was no mistaking the expression on his face as he slipped his hands into his pockets. 

What a hassle his face and body language said. For whatever reason he had come up here and here you were, being a hassle to yet another boy.

You could feel tears beginning to fill your eyes the longer the boy stared until finally, he let out a sigh.

        “Jeez, I just wanted to take a nap.”

“I’ll get out of your way, then.” You heard your voice crack on the last word, but hoped it wasn’t noticeable to the boy. Scooping up your bag and the cursed box of chocolates, you said, “I was just leaving anyway.”

“Eh? Why the hurry? You get rejected or something?” The smirk he was clearly wearing didn’t even need to be seen as he finished speaking.

You froze. The tears that had been threatening to spill again suddenly found themselves falling from your eyes at full force. Your bag fell from your hands as you scrambled to wipe away the falling tears.

“Shut up, you asshole!”

Falling to your knees, you cupped your face. All that initial humiliation from before came rushing back over you. The look on (B/N)’s face when he realized you were going to confess, his rejection, his refusal to even take the chocolates. You were feeling so stupid all over again and now you had a stranger to witness it.

“Shit. I was—shit.” The boy inched his way over to you. Even as you were sobbing into your hands, you could feel him awkwardly trying to do something, all while murmuring about where the hell Satsuki was in a panicked tone.

“Hey. I’m sorry, okay? Please stop crying.” He crouched near you and awkwardly reached out a hand out to pat your shoulder. “I..uh…have a big mouth. Sorry.”

As if telling you to stop crying was going to make your tears go away. What a stupid boy. Couldn’t he just take the hint and leave?

“Here, look. I’ll eat your chocolates.”

Eh? He was what? Jerking up, you watched as he pulled the ribbon you had tied on the box and took the lid off. Before you could stop him, the navy haired boy took one of the chocolates and popped it into his mouth. Your words died on your tongue. He chewed the chocolates, still looking panicked about your still sobbing self, but slowly his expression changed.

A look of rapture came over him, knocking him back onto his butt. 

        “Holy shit. These are good.” 

        “Of course they are, asshole. I handmade them!”

You weren't some amateur at confectionery. You had researched chocolate making thoroughly, trying to make them as perfect as possible. An entire allowance had been spent on high grade chocolate. Not to mention the nuts and liquors inside. Even the molds were nice. There was no way you were going to give your first possible boyfriend some shitty chocolates. You fully intended to tell the stupid navy haired idiot just that when you noticed him take another chocolate and toss it into his mouth. 

A third followed. Then another. More chewing ensued until you realized he had eaten half of the box. 

On one hand, you wanted to be angry. Those chocolates you had slaved over weren't for him. That box and your hard work wasn’t for him. You didn’t spend days trying to perfect everything. You didn’t spend time and money on him. He had simply showed up at the wrong time and taken an opportunity to eat free food in an effort to stop some hysterical girl crying before him. But on the other hand, the expression on his face was too much for you. He looked like he was on another planet, shoving chocolate after chocolate into his mouth until the box was empty. He had even sat crossed legged across from you, making stupid, mouth full of chocolate mumbles you couldn’t understand. 

        "Ooh may deez?"

He held up the box. You almost didn't nod. Isn't that what you had just said a minute ago? 

        "Yes, I made those. And you ate them all!"

The boy inspected the box in his hands. That expression of disbelief and mind blowing surprise still didn't leave his face as he looked from the red box to your soured expression. You could see him deliberating something internally until his expression became one of arrogant determination.

        "Make me more tomorrow."

         "What? No!"

You didn't even know him. Why the hell were going to make more chocolates for him?

        "I'll kick whatever his name is's ass."

The thought was comforting, but as much as it would have felt good, you weren't going to condone violence. "No you wont!"

 The boy grinned at you with a smile you were sure you were going to regret. Despite your protests, he seemed to be decided. Pushing you back, he forced you off your knees and onto your butt. Shifting your legs, he made sure they were folded to the side before pulling off his coat and laying down. With squinted eyes and his head on your lap, he smirked up at you. 

        "Now that that's settled, shut up and let me nap."

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