Let's Play A Game {L x reader}

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“Rain, rain, go away; come again some other day.”  He sang in a monotone voice.  His wide dark rimmed eyes glued to the window where little droplets of water came rushing down.  He sat upon a chair, perched like a bird; his arms wrapped around his legs.  “Rain, rain, go away; come against some other day.”  He repeated as he bit into a small milk chocolate candy bar, nibbling on it like a rat.  “Rain, rain…”  He trailed off. 

The room was pitch black; the only light was emitted from a dull cellphone glow that was barely visible.  The cell phone was not his, rather it was a girls; the pink cell phone cover with the small bunny charm made it obvious it wasn’t his.  He couldn’t see the illumination, or, he was ignoring it.  Either way, it didn’t bother him, possible because he was not holding the cell phone.

His attention then turned away from the window and to a pile of messy files in large envelopes that sat upon a desk.  He then picked one up using only his thumb and pointer finger and stared deeply into it as if he were staring deep into the soul.  He then read the contents of one of the files aloud, skipping over the most important information; “Age…Cause of death…Crime…”  Then he paused after reading a single word, Kira.  “Kira, Kira, go away…”  He trailed off again; this time it took him a long time to speak again.  

“Kira?”  He began to talk to his files as if they were a living being.  “You could talk to me; you know?”  You came from where you were watching in the shadows, careful not to trip on any of his candy wrappers or chip bags that would cause a disturbance in the peaceful silence.  You used your cell phone to light your way. “That’s what I’m here for.”  “Wrong,” he stated plainly, not bothering to look at you, “You’re here to present useful information and to help on the Kira case.”  

He had finished his chocolate bar then looked at is hands as if he were in shock.  You could only sigh in irritation, he always avoided you.  “You know, social interaction makes you smarter,” you smiled innocently, “A study showed that people who interact with others score 70% higher on IQ tests?”  “And 75% of studies are made up on the spot,” he still wouldn’t look at you; he started munching on a box of chocolate Pocky.  “Besides, I have you to talk to.”  “But you just said that I wasn’t here to talk to you!”  You had lost your calm demeanor in just seconds.  

He had a way of doing that to you; causing you to lose your senses and fall into annoyance and rage.  Why he did this was a mystery to you.  You only knew that he simply loved to aggravate you.  Ever since you volunteered to take on the Kira case he had been like that.

The day you two meet was like an intellectual storm of smart rude remarks being made back and forth (L won.  Shortly after you two competed in a competition of: who can eat the most junk food leaving you sick (L won again).  Later it was a battle of wits with chess when the two of you were supposed to be working (you lost).  The two of you were either too different or too alike; either way you two certainly hit it off (perhaps not in the best way).  Alas, you two had formed a competitive relationship.

“You really know how to frustrate me, don’t you?”  You shook your head, a small smile rested upon your face.  You sat down next to him, crossing your legs in a professional fashion.  “Yes and I enjoy it.”  He turned to you, his saggy eyes wide open, piercing into yours.  A few seconds later, without breaking eye contact, he shoved the box of Pocky in your face as if he were offering you some.  You then reached into the box and pulled out half a stick (the part that was missing the chocolate).  

“Light told me I should play the Pocky game with you.”  He stated plainly, fiddling with the half empty box.  You raised your eyebrows and held back laughter; you decided to humor him.  “Oh really?”  You inquired sarcastically, letting out small fragments of laughter.  “Yes, really.”  He replied as if he didn’t realize you were being sarcastic, he then stuck a piece of Pocky in his mouth like a rabbit eating a carrot, “I’ll even let you have the chocolate side.”  He spoke with cation as to not break the biscuit in his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours.  “The one who eats more wins.”

You lost it, you couldn’t contain your laughter; was this really how he thought the game was played?  “What are you laughing at?”  The curiosity echoed in his voice.  Did he really not know?  You laughed even more.  You held your sides for you were laughing too hard.  “Why are you laughing?”  He questioned again, the piece of Pocky still in his mouth; he almost looked like a confused child.

You finally were able to stop laughing, but he wasn’t laughing; in fact, he seemed upset.  He held his head down and inspected the half-gone box of Pocky.  “W-What’s wrong L?”  You were dead serious.  “Why were you laughing?  Isn’t that how the game is played?”  He asked as if he would start crying any moment.  Think fast.  Your heart was racing; you didn’t want to tell him a lie, yet you didn’t want to hurt his feelings.  “Um, yeah it is.”  You scratched the back of your head and smile innocently; it was obvious you were faking it, yet he didn’t seem to pick up on it.

He then stuck a piece of Pocky in his mouth and looked down at you with curious eyes, awaiting for you to take the other end.  You sighed, shut your eyes and started nibbling at the end.  The next thing you knew you felt the biscuit being pulled from your mouth, hands running through your hair, and your lips smashed onto someone else’s.  

When you pulled away your eyes meet with dark owl like eyes.  “Did I win this game too?”  He put his thumb to his lips and began chewing on his nail.  “L?  W-What was that for?”  You were utterly baffled.  “I won, didn’t I?”  He smiled as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, his face snuggled into your hair ever so gently.  “You sure won.”  You smiled and blushed bashfully.  “That makes the score seven to nothing.”  He retorted as he held you ever tighter.  “Perhaps this is the human emotion known as love.”  He thought aloud as he released you from his arms and took hold of your shoulders.  “It must be.”

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