Jealous Of What?! {Makoto x reader}

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Ever since you were little you had always been told that green was the color of jealousy but after having known Makoto Tachibana your whole life you weren’t to sure that could be true. When you looked into his green eyes all you could ever see was compassion and unrelenting concern for everyone but himself. In short, Makoto was the most selfless person you knew.

Even when the two of you were little Makoto would go out of his way to share anything he had with you, toys, books, movies, even sharing an ice cream cone or two. You smiled at the memories that invaded your mind your arms clutching the soft fabric of Sham-Sham. You were currently sprawled out on Makoto’s bed waiting for the male to hurry up with his shower so the two of you could meet the rest of the swim club downtown for dinner. You had forgotten how soft Sham-Sham was, Sham-Sham being Makoto’s incredibly large orca plush that he had since you guys were itty-bitty. Out of all the toys Makoto shared with you, you were most attached to Sham-Sham. At first when you were little you mainly liked the plush animal since it was in fact, a stuffed animal. But as the two of you grew older the worn plush toy evolved into something more for you, instead of a soft stuffed animal to play with it became a snuggle substitute. 

Over the years Sham-Sham had collected his share of wear and tear but he also collected something you found irreplaceable, and that was the essence of Makoto. The plush toy was so unbelievably big and had the olive haired boys natural scent all over it, it was the closest thing you could get to snuggling with the gentle giant. And boy, did you want to snuggle with Makoto, but the fear of rejection kept you at bay. It was more important to you to keep your friendship with Makoto in tact rather than admit your feelings and run the risk of a ruined friendship. So Sham-Sham was your unofficial Makoto, and no one had to know except you and Shammy.

Makoto sat in the shower, head resting against the cold tile as the heat of the water enveloped him in a sweet hug. He knew he should have been done with his shower ages ago but he just kept prolonging the activity knowing that when he returned to his room he would see you snuggled up to his old plush orca. His teeth gritted together in frustration at the thought. That’s right, Makoto Tachibana was jealous, of a plush toy.

Rinsing out the last bit of soap from his hair Makoto turned the water off and began to dry his body before dressing himself in fresh clothes. Checking the small clock in the bathroom he was glad he hadn’t wasted too much time, the others were still probably getting ready as well. After towel drying his hair and combing it out so that the olive tresses could dry quicker he looked at himself in the mirror. He could do this, he wouldn’t be bothered by the fact your body was currently being pressed into a plush toy instead of his body. It was his own fault for falling madly in love with you… He sighed and picked up the cologne he had specifically bought for you remembering the time you were fawning over the scent inside the department store, he was hoping that it would make you flock to him instead of Sham-Sham but it had the opposite effect, you seemed to only increase your snuggle time with the stuffed animal. Feeling defeated he heavily sighed again before heading back to his room to find you snuggled up with Shammy as expected. 

“Damn that stuffed animal.” He growled behind gritted teeth.

If Sham-Sham wasn’t the source of so many great memories with {Name} he would have thrown the thing out ages ago, I mean wasn’t 
it weird for a boy his age to have a giant plush toy? He walked over to your sleeping form on his bed, annoyance flowing through his veins at seeing you clutching the animal for dear life your eyes closed and breathing steady. What Makoto wouldn’t give for you to do that to him. What he wouldn’t give to hold you in his arms, to whisper sweet nothings to you until your cheeks became rosy out of embarrassment. 

You sighed heavily in your sleep gaining the attention of Makoto who had been glaring at the stuffed orca. You were mumbling in your sleep, Makoto came closer trying to decipher what you were saying.

“Sh-Sham-Sham…” you mumbled much to Makoto’s irritation.

Makoto wasn’t mad at you just jealous because you failed to see how in love he was with you. But he supposed it was just as much his fault for not confessing to you, but who could blame him, he wasn’t about to ruin a life long friendship just because he had fallen in love…

“Sham-Sham do you think he likes me back?”

Makoto’s eyes darted back to you, he wasn’t sure if you were awake and unaware of his presence in the room or if you were indeed talking in your sleep. He decided on not saying anything in hopes to hear anything your unconscious mind had to say, even though his heart had been ripped apart at your admittance to liking someone.

You moved a little more before saying something else, your nose buried a little deeper into the whale and your fingers grasping the fabric a little tighter. 

“I love you Shammy, you smell just like him~” your soft voice purred.

Makoto’s eyes went wide at the words that had just spilled out of your mouth was this a confession? Surely his stuffed orca wouldn’t smell like anyone else right? Taking a leap of faith the male ripped the plushie from your grasp and flung it across the room and took you in his arms.

“Hey!~” your voice rang out from losing your Makoto imposter, but then you realized that you were pressed against a chest and hot breath was puffing against your cheek. Looking up you found yourself captured in the emerald gaze of the one person you loved the most in the world.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” his breathless voice gasped just before his soft lips enveloped your own. 

His body pulled you closer, if even possible molding his lips against your own. Coming to your senses you immediately kissed back elated that the boy you had fallen in love with loved you back. The kiss was slow and gentle as most first kisses are your delicate hands coming to rest on his cheeks. He pulled away slightly to look at you with a loving expression.

“I love you {Name}, more than words could ever describe.”

“I love you too Mako~” your words holding so much happiness in them.

Makoto quickly resumed his kissing after hearing your words he had longed to hear for so long. Feeling bold he lightly brushed his tongue along your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you immediately granted. Deepening the kiss he hovered over you the air around you two getting hotter when your phone on Makoto’s dresser began to vibrate interrupting the two of you.
Raising the phone to your ear you tried masking the annoyance in you voice before responding with a “Hello?”.

“{Naaaaaaaaameeeeee} – chan, where are you and Makoto everyone is at the restaurant and we’re all hungryyyy!” the whining voice of Nagisa came from the other end.

“Sorry Nagisa! We’re almost there!” you said motioning for Makoto to stand up, with you following suit. 

“Please hurryyyy” Nagisa said before hanging up.

You locked your phone and put it in your pocket before turning to the gentle giant next to you. 

“I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting huh?” you asked blushing slightly at the events that had just transpired.

“No we shouldn’t, but at least we get to go to dinner as boyfriend and girlfriend now…” Makoto mumbled taking your hand into his much larger one.

The two of you walked out of his room as a couple on the way to the restaurant to tell your friends about the great news. (and so Nagisa could eat so he would stop whining) .

Makoto came back to his room by himself telling you that he had forgotten something. Walking over to the discarded plush on the floor he picked it up and held it to his chest before putting it back in it’s spot on the bed.

“Thanks old friend” he murmured before closing the door, an unmistakable sense of happiness shone in the black plastic eyes of the orca.

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