Kaneki Ken x Reader; Delusion

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Kaneki awoke to a bright, beautiful morning.

He exhaled contentedly as he burrowed deeper into the warm covers, an arm unconsciously reaching out towards the other side of the bed.

When his hands only grasped empty air, he cracked open an eye in confusion. Aside from himself, the bed was empty and the rumpled sheets opposite him were cool. Frowning, he pushed himself into a sitting position while rubbing his eyes blearily, trying to rid himself of the last remaining tendrils of sleep.

Not bothering to dress himself, he meandered out of the small bedroom and into the small kitchen wearing only his boxers.

There, a mug of coffee stood with a somewhat crinkled sheet of loose leaf laying on the table next to it. Lifting the mug with one hand, he picked up the note in the other, beginning to read as he sipped the delicious liquid.


Sorry I wasn't there this morning! I had an early class to attend, and I didn't want to be late. You know how busy my schedule is! I already brewed coffee for you and prepared it how you like it, so enjoy your morning, okay? There's some more in the coffee machine if you finish your cup. Sugar cubes are in the cabinet, like always. I also went ahead and made you some food for later, just in case I'm held up this evening. It's in the fridge!

Love, [Name]

Kaneki let out a small chuckle. You knew him so well.

Setting down the mug (which was already drained to less than half), he pulled open the refrigerator door and saw a china plate, covered with a sheet of aluminum foil. His sensitive nose caught the delicious smell wafting from the meal, but he held himself back. He was a god awful cook, so he wanted to save the meal for later. He wasn't all that hungry right now, anyway.

Gently shutting the fridge door, he once again lifted the mug of coffee and made his way to the small living room. He still had a bit of time before he was due to head over to Anteiku for his shift, so he figured he'd relax for a little bit and watch some TV.

He settled down on the couch, using his free hand to turn on the TV, absently flipping through the channels. After a few moments of deliberation, he settled on the news. He drained the last bit of his coffee, absently soaking in the daily news reports. Ghoul warnings, missing peoples, the usual.

Nothing new, really.

Sighing, he lifted himself from his position, heading back to the bedroom to get dressed and head out to Anteiku.

As he pulled out his waiter's uniform, his hands paused for a moment, lingering over your clothes. A small smile tugged at his lips, and in a brief moment of indulgence, he pulled one of your favorite shirts towards himself, inhaling your familiar scent. He stayed like that for a few more seconds, the cloth pressed gently against his nose, before carefully putting it back to its original position and getting ready for the day.


When Kaneki entered the small coffee shop, Koma and Irimi were bantering playfully as they wiped down the dirty tables and collected the used cups, as per usual, and Touka was preparing a cup of coffee for a customer behind the counter. All three looked up when he arrived and nodded in his direction, murmuring their hellos.

Kaneki felt as if they were more subdued than usual with their greetings, but he shook the thought out of his mind, accepting the apron from Touka and tying it around his waist.

He didn't see the exchanged looks.


Throughout the day, customers walked in and out, making their orders. Some stayed for a little while to relax or chat, others made their order and left directly afterwards. However, Kaneki noticed that a few customers were actually swept away by the other employees, taken to the floor above.

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