levi x reader; love the way you lie p.2

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Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

But that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


    It had been two months since Levi had woken up from all the destruction of that night and promised he would quit his drinking. And he had done exactly that. He couldn’t bear to see what he had done to you, how long it had taken for the bruises to fade, how much care you took to cover them up. Levi never wanted to see that again. So he changed, like he had promised.

    His relationship with you had soared; he felt like Superman with the wind at his back and you were Lois Lane. He knew he had made you happy with his change. You didn’t cry every night anymore, you weren’t afraid to spend the night with him. He had made you proud.

    But now Levi stood before the counter, the bottle gleaming in the kitchen light. He wanted to take the bottle in his hand, wanted to gulp down the drink that was his poison, his drug; he needed to feed his addiction. Levi clenched his fists. How would that make you feel? You were the woman that he loved so much he had been willing to quit for to begin with. He couldn’t go back on his word now or what kind of man would that make him?

    The sound of the apartment door opening startled Levi, he quickly turned around, hiding the bottle behind his body.

I can't tell you what it really is

I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe

I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight

As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight


    “Hey, babe!” You called happily, “I brought dinner,” you said as you put the takeout containers on the table.

    “How was work?” Levi asked, trying to calm his palpitating heart.

    “The same as every other day,” you said as you neared Levi, the plates in the cupboard behind him. “Excuse me,” you smiled when Levi wouldn’t budge.

    “I’ll grab the plates,” he responded. You shrugged and walked back to the table, gladly taking a seat after a long day of work. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, taking in a deep breath. You heard Levi retrieve the plates from the cupboard and then set them down on the table. You opened your eyes to see him dishing out the food. You smiled.

    Levi really had changed after he quit his drinking habit. And you couldn’t be more proud. He was the same caring man you had fallen in love with. You felt safe around him again. Your love for him multiplied and you felt like the two of you could do anything together.

    The two of you ate in silence and you couldn’t help but feel like something was on Levi’s mind. It worried you that he wasn’t just being open about it, and since that was the case you weren’t sure if it would be a good idea to bring it up.

    You took a deep breath, “What’s on your mind, hun?” You inquired. Levi’s steely eyes looked up from his dinner and met with your (e/c) eyes. He chewed his food slowly, his intimidating gaze never leaving yours. You couldn’t help but feel afraid.

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