Sesshomaru X Reader|Can You Feel the Love Tonight

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"Let me go.."

"Stay still!"

"I said let me go.."

"Dammit will you stay down?!"  You growled furiously as you pulled on the arm of the tall, silver-haired, demon male before you. He was currently injured and blood was seeping from his side but yet he refused to let you help. You were tired of his loner attitude. The man dragged you from your village, forced you to join his little gang of misfits, only to ignore you when you could truly make yourself useful. But..that was how demons were. To proud to ask for help from another, and Sesshomaru, the demon, had the biggest ego around.

Growling, you tackled the male to the ground, and pinned him down with your knees. He was shocked, and caught off-guard by your sudden assault, yet his golden eyes remained emotionless. He didn't say anything, only watch as you pulled down his white kimono to his waist and began treating the wound on his side that had been bleeding for the last hour.

"There...was that so bad..?"You ask, looking into his eyes. Sesshomaru pouted slightly and pushed you off of him before looking away.

"It would have healed on it's own...You know that as well as I do. Treating it was pointless.."he says softly. You shrugged as you stood.

"Yeah well now I feel lets leave it at that.."You tell him. Sesshomaru looked up at you before standing as well.

"What do you mean...? Were you worried...?"he asks. Blush crept onto your cheeks as you look at him. Worried? About him? No way! It's not like you cared about him! Sure, he was attractive..for a cold-hearted demon. But that's all he was. Attractive, yet arrogant, rude, lousy...attractive..strong. Oh great now you're drooling.

You quickly shake your head and turn your back to him.

"No way! Why would I be worried about you?! I could care less about what happens to your fluffy ass!" you snort with a smirk. Sesshomaru was silent for a moment before approaching you.

"So you do harbor some emotion towards me..I suspected as such.."he replies, glancing at you. By now your face was as red as a tomato.

"No I don't! Hey! Get back!"you stepped back as Sesshomaru stepped towards you. Flustered, you jog a few steps away from him to gain some distance. However, this only turned into a chase and before you knew it, you were running around the grassy plain as the male pursued you.

"Hey! Sesshomaru! Stop! Bad boy! Stay on your side!"you shriek as the demon continued to give chase. You couldn't help but let out a few giggles here and there and you couldn't deny the fact that you were enjoying the little game of cat and mouse. Eventually, Sesshomaru caught up to you and tackled you to the ground.

You giggled and tried to catch your breath as you laid beneath him. He smirked slightly as he hovered over you, proud of what he had done.

"Okay, okay, ya caught me. Now get off."you giggled, tugging Sesshomaru's hair gently. He let out a soft growl before pinning your arms down above your head.

"No. Actually, I think I prefer you like this _______."He whispered, almost seductively. You blushed at his tone and stared up at him, not knowing what to say.

As you two laid there on the grass, in the brush, a short distance away, Jaken and Rin were watching. Rin was giggling and watching with a smirk while Jaken seemed to be fuming.

"Tch that girl..who does she think she is, distracting lord Sesshomaru like that!! The wretch!"he squawked. Rin looked over at the small toad demon.

"Whats wrong with you? Lord Sesshomaru looks like he really likes miss ______. What's the problem?"she asked. Jake sighed and crossed his arms, looking over at the young girl.

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