sleeping beauty

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Chapter one

Day one

I woke up alone in the hospital room, the fancy room unlike any other hospital I’d been in. The only resemblance to any other hospital ward was the cleanliness. The room was that exactly, a bedroom not a ward. There was even a television.

I wore the same clothes from the day before but my sleeves had been rolled up to push a needle into my veins. The blood transfusion we were told we would need.

Much to my delight the crimson colored tube and the clear bag attached to the top on a silver pole held no interest in my mind. I was officially freed of the thirst I had felt for so many years. If anything the dripping ruby blood sickened me.

There had been a long medical explanation as to why we were being given blood but the conversation had only made me thirsty.

Another thought struck me as I looked around the room. There was one person, one more than the others that would be so pleased by the revelation. She wasn’t here. Alice wasn’t here; she had been injected first, so she’d be here when I woke up.

The door opened, my non-related blond twin walked through the pale-colored wooden door.

Rosalie, one of the first to go under was now free from the IV and able to walk around as normal. She was dressed perfectly, even managing to walk around in her high heeled shoes.

“Overwhelming isn’t it?” She spoke, her voice less clear than it had been in the past. I thought her voice was different till I opened my own,

“I’m fine, where is Alice?” I was taken aback by the strength of the accent I had almost eradicated before. It was far stronger than I could remember it ever being before.

“It’s strange at first but you will get used to it,” she laughed, seeing my stunned expression. I cleared my head very quickly and relayed my question.

“Where is she?” I asked again.

Rosalie’s violet eyes shot to the floor faster than a fired pistol. She was suddenly overcome with emotions, she felt sorry for me, and she felt shocked and worried amongst other negative things.

It dawned on me that this was the first set of emotions I had felt since coming round. My abilities were beginning to come back to me, I hadn’t known I’d ever feel emotions again; we were unsure what would be recovered.

Rosalie knew the look on my face.

“You can feel it, I might as well explain,” she paused to walk over and sat on the end of my bed like a mother saying goodnight to a young child.

“Jasper they’re all ill. Edward, Bella, Esme, Emmett. They went back to the way they were before. They’re all in ICU.

“Alice, she went rapidly downhill. I can’t explain it but she was injured before she changed, her brain has reacted badly to it.”

I could feel my heart begin to race and my eyes widened as I listened to the words coming from my sister, with each word another part of my brain switched off in denial.

“I can take you to see her; I’ve just come from there. They’re operating on Emmett; he has so many damaged muscles and tissues they’ll have to cut out the damage.” Talking about Emmett made her voice stiffen. Rosalie was never one for showing her emotions, she put on the hostile front for everyone but inside she was in a lot of pain, pain for her husband. He meant more to her than she allowed the world to see.

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