Only chance

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I knew the risks of her being there alone. I forced the truth from my Father even though after day without her he wasn't sure I could take it, not without knowing she'd be back soon. He told me there was already I high risk of a premature birth, due to all Alice's problems but it got worse. The information Carlisle gave me was something I had already heard from the doctor, but back then there was no reason for true panic. Alice's pelvis was too narrow, there was a slim chance a baby could fit through without intervention, she would need forceps, caesarean possibly.

The bombshell was she could go into labour at any time, and once she was in labour her body would be totally taking over her mind, she would be unable to stop herself from pushing and she would either break her pelvis, leaving us with a stillborn, or she would die trying to deliver. That was when I decided we had to find help. The rest of the family backed me in my decision- though it was rash- I knew the one person who could help us.

Standing in the old abandoned farm buildings at night I knew I was at risk, I could be killed in an instant they could see, smell me miles before I knew there was anything there. I was in her territory and the only thing I could pray would protect me and through me, Alice, was that she would also recognize my sent and come to me before a new-born did. I was right and in an instant. Her dark hair was free and licked the air like flames around her head, she was Alice's height but she was nothing on her personality. She wore the same clothes she had in 1863 and her eyes were their usual scarlet.

Maria walked around me, looking me up and down like I was a new car, she sniffed the air a few times as she circled before she came back to face me. She got closer and closer till her face was an inch or so from mine. I thought for a second she was going to kiss me and then she moved away again,

"Well, I heard of a cure, but I never expected..."

"Yes, Maria- we were the first to have it done but that is not why I am here as such-"

"Oh, I know you are right- but first, tell me, how is life as a human for you and, what is it again?"

"Alice, my Wife is called Alice."

"Yes, of course, so how does life treat a human being?"

"That is why I am here, I need your help Maria-." She began to interrupt me again, opening her mouth but I shut it quickly,

"Alice and our baby along with my niece and nephew are in volturi custody. You're the only chance we have." She laughed and anger boiled. It was the first time since the disappearance I'd ever been angry. I'd been nervous, scared and upset but not yet angry, now at her laugh I was livid. I was almost shaking with the need to yell or throw or possibly hurt someone but as much as I hated that laugh I could not hurt Maria, not a girl.

"You mean to tell me that you let her go and take your baby?" she laughed again, her glare telling me I was a complete idiot. Now I snapped,

"No Maria, I mean that my wife was heavily pregnant the last time I saw her- and she may not be now. Having that baby now will kill her."

Her sneer dropped and her gaze shifted down to the dusty ground under our feet. I knew she understood, she had once lost her own mate- the reason all of this had come about. She had a need for revenge. I could see her thoughts change totally before she was able to look me in the eye again.

"What can I do?"

The room we were put into was like the worst hotel room I had ever seen. The majority of the Italian building was deep underground so the only light in the room, which was twice the size of a prison cell, came from a dusty candle chandelier. The room was whitewashed; deep green tiles covered the floor everything was covered in a thick layer of sand and dusk. There were twin beds, dressed in patchy, grey and yellow sheets and a peach quilt. The mattresses were stuffed with straw.

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