Safe and sound

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Chapter Twenty-Three







"what do you think?" I laughed. I was lying on my back on our bed, holding a tiny White baby vest against my miniature mountain. Jasper smiled from the other side of the room,




"I hate to tell you Alice but I think it's a tad small for you."




"ha," I replied, refolding the tiny piece of clothing and laying it down on the rest of the small pile beside me. The pile contained the vest, sleep suit, White cardigan, socks, mittens and jacket. Everything the baby would need for its first day of life.




"it's all so small," I sighed, "I just wish the little baby was wearing them."




"you just have to be patient," Jasper said softly coming to perch on the edge of the bed beside me.




"being patient is not my strong point- she's already 9 days late." I huffed, before attempting to pull myself up a bit- movement had become more difficult as time went on and now, well I could barely stand up alone.




"I wonder if we will have to go to hospital," I mumbled, disappointedly,




"Maybe not, we've still got today before they have to do something," Jasper took the opposite corner in my mind. If she wasn't born or began to show signs of being born today then I'd have to be induced- meaning the baby would have to be born in a hospital.




I didn't want that, I wanted her to be born here, the old-fashioned way with just us. We had a doctor present that was all that should be needed. I had planned the perfect start for our daughter and so far it wasn't going to plan.




Only a few days ago she was in the wrong position, with her back to mine and her head facing up the way. Dr Andrews had said if the baby had not moved herself then we would have had to come into the hospital, especially as this was my firstborn they took every precaution possible since I had no history nor any family history.




Now we faced the thought that with the baby being late, even though she was in the proper position, would mean a hospital birth. I tried not to make it too obvious that it got to me but it was clear to Jasper I was a bit put out.

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