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Chapter eight!

“Wow, this is just mad,” Alice exclaimed. She was standing in front of one of the floor length mirrors in her closet, which would be better described as the bedroom for her clothes, since it was larger than the room we shared.

She was standing with her left side to the reflective glass, on hand was poised just under her chest, the other covered her groin, in between was a very small sloped hill. The difference was tiny but it housed something huge.  According to my wife that little lump housed twin baby boys, her latest installment in their progress. I had been stunned at first, when she had explained there was one baby living within her but to have learned three weeks ago that there were now two was blurring my grasp on possibility.

The news had worried me at first, when I was first human having twins was only ever a natural thing and generally only two of the three persons involved came out alive. I had known of two boys who had killed their Mother during birth. Their Mama was already dead when their Papa took the rash decision to cut her right open to save the other boy.

Needless to say twins are normally delivered safely and all three members of the family survive these days but I had to undergo a lot of research to believe this was true.

“Feel,” Alice commanded, taking my hand and pressing my palm to her tiny bulge.  I held my hand there for a while, it was strange to feel any change in her weight at all, even though I had noticed her gain a more solid form than she’d had as a vampire, this was a much more drastic change.

“I’m going to look like a blue whale soon,” she sighed before adding her usual positive note, “Well, it’s worth it I suppose.”

“I still can’t believe there’s a baby in there,” I whispered rubbing the spot where my hand lay across her navel.  Alice laughed,

“Well I’d be surprised too if there was a baby growing in my intestines,” she laid her tiny hand against mine and slowly slid it down to between her hips, just above her most innermost place,

“That’s more like it,” she stated.

“That far down?” it didn’t sound right, it always appeared to be the middle of a woman that swelled during pregnancy, this just didn’t seem to add up. Alice rolled her eyes at my question and looked up at me over her shoulder,

“Tadpoles, Jasper, not hydrodynamic goldfish,” she tutted. I understood what she meant and felt the heat of embarrassment growing in my cheeks. She laughed a little harder and spun to face me,

“You are so easy to tease,” she giggled, rubbing her nose to mine. We kissed briefly before she headed in search of a cardigan to compliment her look. She wore a very tight t-shirt, even though she was still very tender, to show off her growing belly. She adored her new shape already even  though it was just beginning to show, and she hadn’t even given the news to anyone yet.

As she always seemed to enjoy she was teasing, waiting for someone to mention her new size. Carlisle knew about our baby and Esme had only learned when Alice added multivitamins and folic acid to the shopping list just before our Mother left.

Esme had been thrilled of course, even told the lady at the checkout that her, badly worded, son and daughter were expecting their first child. She’d been surprised by the poor girl’s shocked expression till later realized she had implied incest.

The rest of the family were yet to find out but by the way Alice ate it wouldn’t be long before they all knew.

Alice was now nine weeks pregnant, just over two months, she was showing earlier than was normally expected due to her short stature and because she carried two babies. That was more than just any milestone, it was the morning she was due her first scan at the hospital, our first view of the tiny blobby creatures that would become children one day. We would hear their too fast heart beats.

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