Plus One

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Chapter four


“Carlisle! Carlisle! Alice is having a seizure- a bad one!” The first words I spoke that morning. Alice had been home over a month now and unfortunately her seizures had continued. Carlisle believed there was a hormonal link to them because this was the third month she’d had a bad one on the twenty fourth. That was when they started and for up to two weeks they were awful, she had one after another. This was going to be a bad twenty fourth this was her second seizure in a morning. The first had been early morning- she was asleep but I felt her hands shaking beside me and that had woken me. I’d simply pulled the pillow from under her head and let her continue shaking.

There was nothing else I could do, I had been told I mustn’t try and move her, just let her come out of it herself. Restraining her was the worst thing to do, it would only hurt her. This was the second seizure and it was the same type, she shook violently and sharp squealing noises came from deep in her throat. Her eyes stayed blank- the same way they went when she had a vision but they showed nothing. Her lips moved only to let the squeals escape.

Carlisle came and found me; he held a syringe and a vial. I knew what it was but I read the label anyway as he knelt and drew the liquid into the syringe. I trusted him but I still needed to check.

It was Diazepam; it was used not to stop the seizure but to stop another one from starting straight after- to give her body a chance to recover.

“Just two so far?” he asked, I nodded. And on instruction held her wrist straight out so he could get the needle into her vein without hurting her.  Her record was seven Grande mal’s in one day. I hoped I’d never see that again, it was horrible to watch and she was so weak.

She came back to us a few minutes later, she was breathing deeply and looked just as tiered as she had before going to bed.

“Hey,” she whispered from where she lay flat on the floor, her eyelids batting as she woke up.

You had another seizure,” I told her, she laughed,

“Well, it is the twenty fourth,” it had become almost part of a routine now. I made her stay on the floor for a while before letting her get to her feet and go about the morning as usual. It was a Saturday, meaning Esme would have made breakfast for all of us so everyone would gather in the busy kitchen.

It felt nice, like really being part of a family all talking over each other’s plans for the day ahead and sharing news not mentioned during the week.

Entering the kitchen everyone was already there, Edward and Bella were already dressed. Renesmee and Rosalie both wore fluffy pink dressing gowns and were sat at the table. Emmett wandered round in only casual trousers of some sort- showing of the majority of his flesh. Esme was busily rushing round the kitchen, watching frying food and chopping up fruit at the same time-the perfect multi-tasker.

“We better go,” Edward said when Alice and I walked into the room. He held half a slice of toast in his hand. He took Bella’s hand and, offering us a nod, walked from the room.

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