XXIV. if you're drunk i will punch u in the throat

331 19 8

4:46 am

Richard: psst

Queen Junghee: what the heck do you want

Richard: may I tell you something, madam? :-)

Queen Junghee: if you're drunk I will punch you in the throat

Richard: I apologize sincerely, ma'am, I could never be drunk in front of a lady such as yourself.

Queen Junghee: what the frick Jinyoung

Richard: it's less that I'm Jinyoung and more that I'm his mouthpiece!

Queen Junghee: okay I don't really care who you are you should probs get off his phone now he might kill you

Richard: don't insult me, Jinyoung could never catch me

Richard: and besides, it's not like he's ever caught me before

Queen Junghee: don't jinx yourself

Richard: he's chased me so many times it's actually not normal

Queen Junghee: I'm sure you deserved it

Richard: of course not, Your Highness, I am only ever kind and respectful to my hyung!

Queen Junghee: great heck can you stop talking like that

Queen Junghee: better yet stop talking to me at all

Richard: oh I thought you wanted to know who he was ;)

Queen Junghee: I do but I don't know you and I want him to tell me himself soo there's the door

Richard: if you won't let me send you a pic of him at least let me tell you that he totally likes you

Richard: like a lot

Richard: as in he smiles like an idiot when he's texting you

Richard: and he's always trying to find a reason to go to the restaurant you work at

Queen Junghee: all of this is just weird and circumstantial you don't actually know he likes me

Richard: except that he told me ;)

Queen Junghee: mess off

Richard: okay but if you ever want to know my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx
read 5:03 am


I'm so sorry guys! I've been super busy preparing for a piano recital but thankfully that one is over. so I will try to update more but I have another one coming up, so actually kms T.T

hOlY cRaP we're at 976 reads as I write :O I'm so thankful for you guys, you're all amazing! all the support makes me want to update even more.

as always, don't forget to drop a vote or comment if you want! thanks for reading <3

p.s. don't @ me but I just stanned day6 and they're climbing my bias list hence the video

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