XXXIV. literally wyd

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A sense of dread crept into Junghee's mind at Jackson's words.  Normally when someone's significant other said them it meant either "I think we should break up" or "I'm pregnant" and as far as Junghee knew, she could cross off the last one. "Okay, what's up?" Junghee inquired, sipping on her water and handing him his glass.

"Thanks," Jackson said as Junghee jumped up onto the counter.  Rather than join her, Jackson elected to stand and gulp down half of his glass before he spoke again. "Can I be blunt?" he asked, looking her in the eye.

Junghee pursed her lips and nodded. "I'm all ears, Jackson."

Jackson took a deep breath and looked at the floor as he gathered his thoughts. "So you know how . . ." Junghee tipped her head to the side, waiting for him to continue. "I don't think this is working."

Narrowing her eyes, Junghee crossed her legs and set her glass on the counter. "What's not working?" she asked, not 100% sure whether he was talking about their conversation or their relationship.

"Sorry, I should be more specific. I don't think our relationship is working. It just doesn't feel quite right," Jackson explained.

Junghee turned her gaze to the window in her bedroom, admiring the vibrant colors streaking across the evening sky. As a child the sunset had always been her favorite thing to photograph. When she was young, she'd aspired to be a professional photographer but as she aged the dream had died. Despite that, Junghee's eye was yet drawn to picturesque scenery— specifically sunsets. The image calmed her heart and enabled her to think clearly. "I agree," Junghee finally said. Jackson seemed taken aback at her words. "That's not your fault, though," she quickly remedied. "I just have a hard time seeing you as more than a friend. I mean, I've only known you as a friend my whole life so this just feels . . . off."

In this situation, Junghee knew that she should feel sad or at the very least disappointed but rather all she could distinguish of her feelings was relief. From the look on his face, Jackson seemed to share her thoughts. "So does that mean we're going back to being just friends then?" Jackson said slowly.

Junghee nodded. "I guess so. No hard feelings though, right?"

"Definitely not," Jackson confirmed. "Unless it'll get me free food in which case I'm very mad."

"Heck no, my dude. You ain't ever getting free food from me," Junghee cut him off as she almost choked on the water she'd had in her mouth.

Jackson laughed loudly and leaned against, watching as Junghee almost died. "Remember that one time you were choking on the b—"

"What the heck, Jackson! Control yourself."  Junghee pulled a face and pretended to throw up, tossing the first object she could at him, which ended up being a random spoon. "You're disgusting."


Fear of the dark wasn't supposed to pass on from childhood to adulthood, but for Junghee the dark had always made her uncomfortable. Recently she had been trying to get over it by forcing herself into that environment but this far it had not worked. The sounds Coffee made as he ran around the house at night were made slightly disturbing in the pitch black. Finally giving up for the night, Junghee pushed her covers off and stepped onto the cold floor. Before she could take her first steps a wave of dizziness rushed over her mind. In the darkness it was even more disorienting and soon Junghee found herself clutching onto her bed for support as she lowered herself to the floor.

Within five minutes the dizziness had passed and Junghee was able to stand and find her way through the dark to the light switch.  Closing her eyes in advance, Junghee flipped on the light and turned away from the brightness.  She slowly made her way through the apartment before turning on the light by her door.  That light provided just enough light for her to feel safe at night, but wasn't bright enough to interrupt her sleep rhythm.  As Junghee took a step back in the direction of her room, she noticed an extra jacket on her coat rack.  Shaking her head, Junghee chuckled tiredly at Jackson's forgetfulness and made a mental note to return it to him the next day.

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