XX. dont give me more incentive to get out of there asap

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Junghee wasn't quite sure why she was mad at Jinyoung, but somewhere in the course of their conversation she'd begun to feel like he was somehow holding out on her.  She shook her head at her own thoughts and tried to convince herself Jinyoung wasn't a threat to her happiness.  Somewhere deep inside Junghee knew that Jinyoung was her friend and wouldn't purposefully do something to hurt her, but unfortunately it was a little too easy to push that voice away. The ping of her phone brought Junghee back to earth. Expecting it to be Jinyoung again she opened her phone irritatedly.

My Man <3:  hey baby, I'm at the restaurant right now do you maybe want to meet me for a second?

Baby Girl:  I thought we were going to meet tonight?

My Man <3:  we are, I just wanted to ask you something asap

Baby Girl: okay where are you

My Man <3:  I'm with my friends at the table two from both windows :)

Baby Girl:  give me two minutes bb

Junghee set down an order on a couple's table and as she was on her way back to the kitchen she searched through the crowd of faces for her boyfriend.  He sat exactly where he'd said with his friends.  Making eye contact with him, she sent a wink his way to tease the poor boy.  In the moment with her boyfriend she forgot all about being irritated with Jinyoung.

After putting a few dirty dishes in the sink and letting her boss know that she was taking her lunch break, Junghee made her way towards the table where her boyfriend sat. When she got closer she could see that he was no longer there.

Baby Girl: where r u?

My Man <3: by the bathrooms, I was just about to text you <3

Baby Girl: kk coming

Just like he said, Junghee's boyfriend was leaning against a table to the left of the bathrooms in the middle of an empty conference room. While he was standing there with his arms crossed, Junghee noticed as she did on rare occasions just how attractive he was. Humming an Astro song to herself, Junghee pranced across the cherry wood floor him. She was suddenly feeling rather happy, but she knew that it wouldn't last long so Junghee took the moment to revel in the feeling. As she neared, her boyfriend smiled in her direction. Junghee pushed open the glass doors and smiled back. "Hey babe," she said.

"Hey," he murmured, pulling her into his arms and shifting to place his face in her hair. "Mm, you smell good."

Junghee giggled at his compliment and pulled away from his embrace. "Thanks, I try."

Her boyfriend laughed, and Junghee felt like laughing too just from hearing it. Her boyfriend had always been the kind of person that lit up the room with his humor, and oh, his laugh! Junghee could smile for days just hearing it. Anyone who spent time around him liked him because he was just that charismatic. "So what did you want to ask me?"

"Well," he began, "you know how we've been talking about maybe introducing you to my friends sometime? Well we're all going to be free on Wednesday and I was wondering if maybe . . ."

"I could meet them then?" Junghee finished for him when he shyly trailed off. He was rarely shy and a Junghee found it adorable in an almost little kid way.

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