XXXVI. jug of joy

406 24 33

¡!TRIGGER WARNING!¡ mentions of abuse -marked by {TW} then {END TW}

8:42 am

Nyoungie: we still meeting up tomorrow?

Junghee ^^: yeah :)

Nyoungie: hm I forgot where we're meeting?

Junghee ^^: wow failure

Junghee ^^: I'm not sure tbh and I'm not scrolling

Nyoungie: wow failure ;)

Nyoungie: neither am I sooo

Junghee ^^: okay so where should we meet?

Nyoungie: how about at the café on [   ] street

Junghee ^^: which one boi

Nyoungie: the super hipster one

Junghee ^^: lol okay I know which one you're talking about, I think

Nyoungie: okay cool! well I have to go for now :3

Junghee ^^: kk bye

Junghee wasn't sure what to make of what was outside her door;  MiJin looked interesting to say the least.  Her hair was cut in an uneven bob and choppy highlights littered the top layer. "What you don't like it?"  MiJin said sarcastically.

Junghee narrowed her eyes as if in deep thought.  "No it looks fantastic dude— absolutely fantastic."

MiJin rolled her eyes and produced a bag of banana chips from behind her back.  "A gift from my mom," she said with a knowing giggle.

"Oh, um, thanks?" Junghee said with a laugh.  For some reason MiJin's mother had always thought Junghee liked banana chips.  Neither of the girls were sure when it had started, but at random intervals MiJin's mom would send over a bag of them.  Junghee couldn't be sure how many bags of banana chips she had in the back of her cabinets but it had to be at least a dozen. 

"Would you like to come in?" Junghee asked.

"Maybe for a few minutes," MiJin agreed, her countenance falling.

Junghee sighed internally, a mixture of anger and sympathy boiling up inside of her as she forgot completely about her friend's wacky hairstyle. "You can stay as long as you like."


MiJin nodded and walked through the gap provided by Junghee's moving out of the way.  As MiJin sat down at the counter her shirt lifted a little, exposing a deep purple bruise on her side.  Junghee gasped and placed her hand over her mouth in shock.  "Holy . . . MiJin, are you okay?"

The look in MiJin's eyes said she wasn't.  "I'm fine," she said, yanking her shirt back down. 

"I'm here if you need me, Jinnie, you don't have to hold it in this time."

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