XXII. like a billion yards

498 26 23


Sundress, skinny jeans, or skirt . . .

Even though it was absolutely ridiculous to be nervous about meeting her boyfriend's friends, Junghee most definitely was. Nothing in her closet seemed to fit the whole 'meet the guys who are practically my family' thing. The amount of clothes on Junghee's floor attested to this fact. Her boyfriend would be picking her up in 20 minutes and Junghee hadn't even showered yet, so at that point she was freaking out.  Part of her wanted to just curl up in a corner and die, but no matter how long she chose to ignore real life she'd always have the same responsibilities to return to.

My Man <3: I'm leaving to come get you now! Be there in 15 <3

"Crap," Junghee muttered, trying to figure out what to wear. Finally deciding to go for what would be quickest to slip on, Jughee grabbed a cream sundress and ran to the bathroom. She peeled off the patch over her eye and inspected it in the mirror, hoping that the makeup she'd be putting on would cover up the redness and swelling.  Surely if she applied enough foundation over it people wouldn't be staring at her like some freak.  Tearing off her clothes, Junghee hopped into the shower before the water had a chance to adjust and was soon scalded with burning hot water. Unfortunately she didn't have time to care, nor did she really feel it.  That day, Junghee was having trouble really feeling anything.

After ten minutes Junghee had showered and blown out most of the water from her hair so that it would be dry enough to not look slobbish. The sundress she was wearing felt a little short so she kept tugging at the hem, but with less than 5 minutes left the only things she could manage was a light dab of makeup and a stick of gum. Junghee grabbed a pair of tan sandals and her purse and rushed to the door, all the while shoving her shoes on her feet. In her head, Junghee wished that she would fall and crack her skull open.  Then she'd either die and not have to deal with that or go to the hospital and not have to deal with it.

As she made her way down the flight of stairs (the stupid elevator was still under maintenance), Junghee pulled her hair into a side braid and hoped it looked good. It probably didn't.  For Junghee, a side braid was a very common do since she ran late basically always. Just as Junghee hit the lobby, her phone dinged.  Junghee numbly reached into her purse.

My Man <3: I'm here baby

Baby Girl: okay just a minute :-)

Junghee hesitated at the end of her text, debating whether or not to put the smiley face there. On one hand, her boyfriend didn't need the reassurance that she was "fine". On the other, Junghee knew that she most definitely was not fine or anywhere near.  Her boyfriend knew about her condition so he wouldn't necessarily find it odd, but she didn't want to make him worry.  Junghee ended up sending the text right as she strode through the doors.  Mumbling a thank you to the doorman, Junghee looked around for her boyfriend's car.

The sun was shining brightly— a little too brightly as far as Junghee was concerned— and there were only a few fluffy white clouds in the sky.  The air pollution was lower then than it had been most of the recent weeks, so Junghee didn't feel like she'd soon choke and die on the air particles.  Despite the relatively clear air Junghee still felt like something was caught in her throat.  A lump developed and she had to swallow it harshly in order to focus in on what was real and not just what her mind told her to feel.  Finally, Junghee spotted her boyfriend's car and she walked towards it, trying to put a bounce in her step for his sake. Junghee remembered when her then friend first found out about her issues and how the weeks following were him constantly trying to cheer her up and walking on eggshells. Thankfully he didn't do that as much anymore and Junghee intended to keep it that way.  Her boyfriend and best friend were pretty much the only people who treated her like a normal human being.

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