XXXXIV. epilogue

285 19 14

5:03 pm

Bby: u excited?

Jungie <3: how could I not dude this is huge!

Bby: idk sometimes I still wonder why u like me what even fam

Jungie <3: aw ur so cute ily

Jungie <3: but I wonder the same thing tbh

Bby: you never doubt that I do like you tho right?

Jungie <3: of course not you're amazing and I know you love me c:

Bby: did I just squeal or is there a mouse in my room

Jungie <3: ummmmm you're literally at a five star hotel it's not a mouse m8

Bby: dO yOu wAnT tO fIghT


Junghee laughed and placed her phone back on the table before continuing to tap the keys of her laptop.  The tea on the table beside her billowed steam into the air, while the gentle breeze from the open window fought to tear the columns apart.  Junghee closed her eyes and listened to the seagulls cry as they soared above the water.  She could also hear the gentle sound of the waves crashing upon the shoreline.  Opening her eyes again, Junghee stretched her fingers and began writing.

A few hundred words later, Junghee stood painfully and pressed her hands high into the air.  Yawning, she turned and made her way to the kitchen with caution.  Her socked feet made almost-hear able noises on the tiled floor.  Junghee yanked open the fridge and began rummaging through what was inside.  As was typical of her home, there was mainly sauces.  Go me.

Before she could further contemplate the depth of her despairing situation with the food, her phone dinged.

Bby: almost there! bringing food btw

Junghee smiled happily and heaved herself into the countertop.

Jungie <3: mm what kind, we're hungry!

Bby: hamburgers and fries + some chocolate ice cream :)

Jungie <3: yay! I can't wait to see you <3

Bby: you only like me for my food :(

Jungie <3: no comment ;)

Bby: ;.;

Jungie <3: hm I guess I'll just have to make up for that when you get here

Bby: is that so :3

Jungie <3: sure is

Bby: that doesn't sound too bad...


Junghee smirked as she wrote her reply on her way to the bedroom to change. How could she greet the love of her life in nasty sweats and a ratty old T-Shirt from her father? She could not!

Jungie <3: well that was unexpected

Jungie <3: I had a whole text types out but then you sent that and it totally ruined it

Bby: lol whoops

Jungie <3: how looooooong :'(

Fortunately, Junghee didn't have to wait very long for at that very moment the front door creaked open. Unfortunately, she was unprepared for the sudden noise and jerked up from her place on the floor of her closet. Pain radiated from the center of her back. Taking several deep breaths and proceeded to slowly slip on her other shoe. Junghee smoothed out her jeans and blouse before gently pulling herself up using the wall.

Just as Junghee managed to get to her feet, the bedroom door creaked open. Jinyoung peaked around the door with a cute little smile that only grew larger at the sight of his girlfriend of two years. Junghee grinned back and awkwardly walked towards him with one hand pressed to her back and the other outstretched for a hug. Once it registered in Jinyoung's mind that she was up, though, his smile dropped off his face. "Why are you not laying down? The doctor said you should take it easy after this kind of an injury," Jinyoung said quickly, concern etching his features.

Junghee giggled and leaned towards him for an embrace which he quickly returned. "I missed you."

Jinyoung lightly laid his head on her shoulder and pressed his face into her neck. Anytime he was away, the first thing he missed was the smell that was distinctly Junghee.  "I missed you, too."

After a moment of silence in which their emotions were almost palpable in the air, Jinyoung carefully scooped Junghee into his arms and began making his way to the kitchen.  Junghee grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck, admiring his side profile.  She sure had caught a good one.

"Maybe I should fall off horses more often," Junghee joked.

Jinyoung stopped walking and looked at Junghee incredulously for a moment. "You know, I almost killed Taehyung when I heard what happened so maybe you shouldn't."

Junghee laughed and punched his arm as best she could. "It's not his fault I'm not good with horses and it got scared," she defended her friend. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and placed a kiss on her forehead.

After Jinyoung had placed Junghee in one of the kitchen seats, he quickly began setting out the food he had purchased. Junghee licked her lips and sampled one of the fries. "Mm, this is really good," she said through her mouthful. Jinyoung smiled at her and swatted her hand away as she reached for another fry.

"Hang on, woman, I want to get it all out before we start," Jinyoung pouted, knowing Junghee was unable to resist his puppy face.  It was Junghee's turn to roll her eyes as she adjusted her posture and waited rather impatiently for him to finish up. 

Thirty minutes later they were cuddling on the couch watching a Disney movie, ice cream in hand. Randomly, Jinyoung picked up the remote and paused the movie. "You know, you never did make up for that comment earlier," Jinyoung said quietly, forcing down a small smile.

Junghee looked at him knowingly for a long moment. "Good point," she whispered back. Junghee's heart raced as it always did around him as she circled her arms around his neck. "I guess I'll do that now," Junghee added, wrapping her fingers in his hair.

Jinyoung let out his smile and pressed his lips to hers before she got the chance. "I love you so much, Junghee. You've quite literally changed my life," he murmured, leaning his forehead against Junghee's.

Junghee smiled into his lips and searched for the right words to respond with. "You are my life."


oKaY iTs tHE eND WHAT??? but I can get all sappy in the next chapter which will be a thank you kind of thing.

sorry for not updating last weekend, I got sick and didn't end up having time. thanks for reading, beautiful <3

PS. I've had this song in my head all day so I thought I'd share :)

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