XXVII. boi i have screenshots

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Junghee didn't end up having to try very hard to avoid Jinyoung since the entire group had to leave for China two days later.  The airport had been slightly awkward when Jackson and she were saying goodbye and Jinyoung had caught her eye.  Of course they'd both looked away quickly, but Junghee still felt the spark.  Rather than acting on it, though, Junghee smothered it and buried herself deeper in Jackson's arms.  "I love you," Jackson had said.  Junghee had simply stared into his eyes for a moment then hugged him tighter and whispering "me too" into his jacket.

"Junghee, bro, you there?" MiJin exclaimed, waving her hand in front of her friend's face. 

Junghee shook her head and zoned back into the present situation.  "Yeah," she smiled, "just spaced out for a second."

MiJin nodded, turning back to the chick flick they'd selected earlier and shoving her hand in the popcorn.  Junghee smiled at her friend as she did the same.  The two had been watching movies and eating way too much food for about four hours at that point and they planned on staying up several more until they both just couldn't handle it anymore and fell asleep.  They were at Junghee's apartment sitting on the white couch in her living room space. Junghee's dog, Coffee, was curled up between them on a blanket fast asleep. Her mom and dad had deemed her worthy of receiving her dog back the night she'd gone to dinner with them. Of course they'd had to scold her for taking off the eye patch early even though her eye was mostly healed before they actually gave the dog back, but it was definitely worth it to Junghee since Coffee was practically her child.

Before Junghee knew it, she was spacing out again and was thinking about the day she'd spent with Jinyoung. The moment he fell on her kept replaying in her mind, the feel of his skin against hers making the blood rush to her face and her heart beat a little faster. Junghee had never really felt that way for anyone before, so she didn't know exactly how to deal with it. She definitely didn't want to just stay with Jackson if she was going to feel things for someone else because that would make her feel like a dirtbag. Then again, there was no reason for Jinyoung to feel anything for her. It wasn't like he had spent that much time with her and even then she wasn't the most attractive or nice person anyways.

Junghee pursed her lips and ignored the scene in front of her as her mind traveled back to how Jinyoung had looked in front of the sunset, his body outlined in sunlight and his face glowing. He had looked so serene while Junghee's heart was doing flips. At that moment, Junghee realized what she was doing and forced her mind to focus on the movie. Junghee had definitely promised herself to put some space between her and Jinyoung; constantly thinking about him wasn't going to help her at all.  It had been a week since he left, anyway, so Junghee didn't understand why her couldn't just shut up and let go.

Richard: heyy

Junghee ^^: long time no text :-)

Richard: yeah  I kind of forgot you existed... ;)

Junghee ^^: I'm offended rn that is so r00d

Richard: what are you going to do about it?

Junghee ^^: I'll chop your ear of

Richard: well then

Junghee ^^: be afraid

Junghee ^^: very afraid

Richard: well as I've said before, fIgHt mE

Junghee ^^: p sure you never said that but whatevs I will anyways ( ̀ ́)

Richard: bOI I have screenshots

Junghee ^^: lol no you don't

Richard: you right

Junghee ^^: you stoopid

Richard: true


Richard: you're literally the one that called me stupid in the first place 😂

Junghee ^^: lol good point

Richard: hey so when'd you get the patch off your eye?

Junghee ^^: what the frick frack click clack snick snack quack quack butt crack how did you know

Richard: I saw you on the train again the other day

Junghee ^^: how come you get to know who I am but I don't get to know who you are still

Junghee ^^: also I took it off like a week ago to answer your question

Richard: I'll meet you some time if you want :)

Junghee ^^: wait for real??

Richard: yeah, I thought about it the other day and I think it would be okay

Junghee ^^: okay wHen?

Richard: well I'm away from home rn so maybe sometimes next month?

Junghee ^^: next month?

Junghee ^^: that's so far away tho

Richard: I'm sorry that's the best I can do :(

Junghee ^^: you know what, whatever that works just don't bail on me okay?

Richard: of course not! I've got to go now, talk to you later Junghee

Junghee ^^: see ya :)


the next few chapters are going to be mainly texting because i want to go back to what this story originally was for a while aka a dumb little texting fic (⌒▽⌒)

more than 1.6k reads this is insane! i love you all so much, thank you for your reads, votes, and comments — they all mean so much to me.

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