XXV. fight me

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Three months went by and Junghee continued to text with Jinyoung as she had been before, sometimes she'd be happy sometimes she'd want to murder him. He hadn't said anything about seeing her since the last time he mentioned it, so Junghee was beginning to wonder if he really was on the bus that day. In fact, sometimes she even wondered if Jinyoung was actually just an old friend trolling her or something. Jinyoung seemed to know quite a bit about her, so it would make sense that he or she would have to know her. In any case, Junghee still really enjoyed talking to Jinyoung.

Junghee was lying on her side on the floor in her living room trying to think of something to do. Since the time she woke up she'd been wandering aimlessly around her apartment. Junghee wondered for a moment if her boyfriend was free that day. Since the first time she'd met the guys, Junghee had gone over to their hotel three other times and it was a lot less awkward with Jackson's friends. Instead of texting him, she decided to just go and see if he was home. Even if he wasn't the drive time would give her something to do.

After showering and putting on a little makeup Junghee dressed in a white T-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans and called it good.  Grabbing her keys and phone, Junghee left her apartment. Her car was in the lot located to the left of her apartment building so she took a detour out the side door of the lobby rather than going out the front doors.  The sun was shining brightly outside but there was still a slight chill in the air due to a cold breeze that blew Junghee's hair around her face.  Spitting out the hair that I had flown in her mouth, Junghee approached her car.  A man a few cars over waved at her as he entered his car.  Junghee offered a small smile and wave in return before unlocking her silver Hyundai and getting in.  Once the car was started Junghee plugged her phone in and tapped on her Astro playlist.

As Junghee left the parking lot, a beat up white car sped past her and flipped her the bird.  "Well then," Junghee huffed, turning up her music a little.  At that moment nothing could touch her mood since it was reinforced by the music.  One of the reasons Junghee loved Astro was the fact that their music was super uplifting and could take her out of her lowest moods for however long she chose to listen. 

By the time Junghee reached the hotel her boyfriend and his friends were staying at she was in an extremely good mood.  The valet took her car keys and drove off in her car as Junghee smiled at the doorman and entered the long lobby.  Rather than taking the stairs like she'd done the first visit, Junghee made a B-line for the elevators.  There was absolutely no way Junghee would be climbing those stairs again any time soon.  Junghee joined a group of people waiting by the 3 doors and entwined her hands behind her back.  A conversation between the two older women to her left caught her attention as they began talking about how tacky some girl's outfit was.  Junghee looked around to see if they were talking about one of the people in the small crowd but apparently they must have been speaking of an earlier event.

When one of the elevators finally dinged open there was a scramble for everyone to get on in time at the same moment as others were getting out.  Junghee ended up squished in the back corner of the elevator after she pressed the correct button.  The usual jerk of the elevator as it got going made Junghee's stomach drop and one of the men in the elevator to stumble back and step on her toe.  "I'm very sorry," the man apologized, bowing as best he could in the crowded space.

Junghee smiled and nodded.  "It's fine, sir."

After the man turned back around, Junghee pouted at the pain in her foot and made a face at his back despite his apology. Junghee hummed one of the songs she'd listened to in the car as the elevator made its way slowly up to the floor she needed to get to. Most of the people who had gotten on the elevator with Junghee had gotten off except for the two ladies who were then talking about indigestion and how cabbage juice would totally cure it. Finally, the elevator reached to correct floor and Junghee was able to squeeze through the people and out into the not crowded hall where she could actually breathe. The hallway looked just like it did the last time she'd been there, white floors and walls, fake plants, black doors, and all.  Junghee reached in her pocket for the room key Jackson had given her and stuck it in the door.  On her way in, Junghee rapped her knuckles on the door a few times and called out to let the guys know she was there.

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