XXXV. i plead the 5th

374 25 18

Jinyoung looks like such a man in that pic bLESS ok on with the chapter sorry


Jinyoung quickly crossed his arms over his chest and squeaked in shock.  If Junghee wasn't just as shocked herself, she would have teased him for squeaking so high. Both party's eyes were wide. Junghee quickly covered hers with her hands and backed away, tripping over air in her hurry. It wasn't that Jinyoung didn't have a good looking body (he definitely did, not as defined as Jackson's, but there were definitely still some abs up in there and also his pecks were out of this world on the down low), it was just that the situation was extremely awkward. The sound of footsteps approaching had Junghee opening her fingers a crack to see who it was.

Youngjae burst with laughter. His melodic giggles filled the air and he slapped the wall a few times as if he just couldn't handle how funny this was. Jinyoung on the other hand was redder than an entire strawberry field in the harvest time. After muttering something under his breath that resembled an apology, Jinyoung turned and rushed around the corner. Junghee couldn't help but stare at his back muscles, which were particularly delicious. What the actual heck Junghee he's a guy not food, ya nasty!

When Youngjae had finally gained an ounce of self-control, Junghee was able to ask him where Jackson was. "He's on the X-Box with Bam."

Before Junghee could thank him, Jinyoung appeared from the earlier direction wearing a maroon shirt. His face had returned to a normal color as well.  Jinyoung offered up a small smile and went to sit down near Jaebum where he picked up a book. To Junghee's surprise, Jaebum was wearing glasses. Even though she wasn't interested in him, she couldn't deny the fact that he looked extremely good in glasses.  Pfft, intellectuals. Junghee laughed to herself at the two different types of bonding time in the room; on one hand Jackson and BamBam were playing some sort of first person shooter and on the other Jinyoung and Jaebum were reading together.  It had always amused Junghee that some people were so narrow minded as to think that guys only bonded over football and weightlifting. She herself had grown up with a very "abnormal" father who enjoyed books and cooking and fashion. Of course her father didn't care what he was labeled as and also liked weightlifting and football.  It only made sense to Junghee that men were just as diverse as women.

Junghee had been so focused on her thoughts and definitely not staring at Jinyoung being engrossed in his book or debating on taking a candid shot of him that she hadn't noticed Jackson had paused his game. He stood up and yawned before strolling lazily over to her. BamBam said something about taking a nap, but the rest was completely lost to Junghee seeing as Jinyoung was captivating her attention. Resting his arm on her shoulder, Jackson followed her gaze. When he realized what, or rather who, she was staring at, he smirked as if he knew something she didn't. Junghee yelped in surprise at the sudden weight. She placed a hand over her heart, glaring at her friend. "Oh my heck, Jackson, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry, Jungie, I can't help if my extreme attractiveness makes your heart flutter," Jackson joked, doing a high fashion pose.

Junghee rolled her eyes and lifted the folded jacket in her hands. "You left this at my apartment the other day."

Out of the corner of her eye Junghee saw Jinyoung raise an eyebrow. Inside her head Junghee laughed that he was only pretending not to be interested in their conversation. Apparently Jackson noticed as well. He hid his smile by pretending to wipe his lips. "That's what happens when I throw my clothes everywhere in a rush to get to you know where. I'll be more careful next time."

Jinyoung suddenly choked on his spit and began coughing. He leaned over his book which had fallen from his grasp and made strangled noises. To Junghee it seemed as though he'd soon cough his lungs out, but Jackson and Jaebum couldn't stop laughing. Junghee thwacked Jackson on the head for his false implications as she made her way to their fridge. Opening it up she found the shelves pretty bare. In the door she finally found what she was looking for. Pouring herself a glass of chocolate milk, she turned a concerned eye towards Jinyoung. By then he'd mostly stop coughing but was still out of breath. "For the record, Jackson's just being an butthole and he definitely wasn't ripping off his clothes yesterday. In fact, pretty much the opposite."

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