C.2 The after concert depression at school.

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it was 6am on a Monday morning. Yay time for school. I got up as i needed a shower before going downstairs. 

6:15 i was out the shower i went downstairs in my towel because i wanted food, i ended up getting Golden Nuggets my fave. i went back up stairs to put my school uni on. by the time i had finished getting dressed and doing my hair and make-up it was 7am still had 15 minutes till Chanel gets here, i went down stairs and watched tv while i waited. 10 minutes later Chanel arrived. I asked dad to drop us off at school as he was on the way to work aswell he said he would.

Dad dropped us off at school at 8:10, we still had 20 minutes still school started. We just sat in dinner hall and waited for the others to arrive.


We made our way to first lesson. English. 

my iphone started ringing..UNKNOWN. so i didnt answer it.

the day was slowly coming to an end. it was 3:15pm we only had 15 minutes left before home time. Dad text me.

''Sweetie, i wont be home till late, make sure you feed yourself and keep the house clean, i've left £50 on the island for you to get sweet and take out and you can have 1 friend sleep ouver if you want, love you see you later. Love D x''

''I dont want anyone to sleep over tonight, i just want to relax, and okay i will see you later, love you C x''

i dont know why we put C,D at the end of our texts, we have done it for ages.

i was walking home as i forgot to get money of him before he left for work. silly me. 

i finally got home at 4pm. The mail was all over the floor, i always checked the mail, the was a latter for me.

'' Dear Casey, we have accepted you job application and we are looking forward to see you tomorrow at 6:30pm, we expect you wear smart clothes and not to be late. 

see you tomorrow''

Yes i got a job but i dont know why dad makes alot of money anyway. I looked at the clock it was 4:20 the shops was still open i took £40 from the island and went shopping. I had braught a nice nude blazer, white shirt, and smart trousers and some flats. i got back home it was only 6pm. i texted dad.

''dad i got a job at that nice shoe shop i like, i took £40 and got some new smart clothes i start tomorrow at 6:30pm tomorrow. I hope you dont mind? Love C x''

i got a reply minutes later. ''Im so proud of you for getting a job, a pitty your mum isnt here to see it, and of course i dont mind, i will be home soon love you loads. Love D x''

it was now 7pm im starting to get hungry, i got take out again. 

after eating the pizza, i went upstairs and looked for my mac air, found it. i went on twitter and started to tweet.

'' got a job today, pitty mum isnt here to see me now,miss you mum R.I.P'' 

''@KidrauhlDayz i dont know if you remember me but we met at the m&g the other day, i just wanted to know if you have after concert depression i know i have lol, i just want to go back.''

after that i loggd of and went to sleep.

A/N ooh lucky you 2 updates in one night, i know this int the best chapter but im tired, i will try to do one tommorow.

tweet me @Canadian_Loverr love you x

not proof read so if tere is any spelling mistakes or it dont make sense then yeah thats why, goodnight:)

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