C.8 A Nice Day Out.

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Its now the school holidays and I was at home watching ''Camp Rock'' I love this this film, its my fav. It was getting near the end and I was bored. So I texted Justin. It was only 11:30am

To Justin x;

Hey babe, I'm bored wanna do something today?xxxx''

From Justin x;

''Yeah sure, want me to come pick you up and we can go get some thing to eat, go to the beach?xxxxx''

To Justin x;

''Sure, sounds fun, ill bring my bikini ;), come round in 10:) xxxx''

From Justin x;

''Okay, I'll bring my shorts;) see u soon xxxxx''

after that I ran upstairs and got my beach bag, sun-cream, bikini and towel and stuffed them inside my bag, I quickly jumped in the shower, i text Justin.

To Justin x;

''The front door is open i just got out the shower xxxx''

I quickly walked to my closet and picked out an outfit. {A/N OUTFIT WILL BE IN THE MEDIA AT THE SIDE AND THE BAG IS HER BEACH BAG} 

By the time I had got dresses I noticed Justin just standing in the door way smiling at me, I knew he had just watched me get dressed but it didn't bother me we have been going out for 6 months and have had sex multiple times. I didn't bother curling my hair because it was a natural wavey, I put on a light make-up, and then packed a small mirror and make up in my beach bag. Me and Justin walked down the stairs hand in hand, when we got to the bottom he took my bag off me and carried it to the car. He opened the car door for me and pecked him on the lips and sat in the car. He started the engine and we drove off, we came to a small cafe, we ordered what we wanted and left. We walked to the car and drove off again we was driving for about 20 minutes we talked about everything and anything. We got changed in the car so no one could see us. I got out the car with my beach bag, and Justin grabbed my hand, an we walked to the sand, we sat our towels down and layed the for a while sunbathing, I was half asleep when i felt a splash of cold, salty water, i screamed as it hit me, I looked up to see Justin there with the biggest smile on his face.


'' Come and get me nerr nerr'' as he said that he ran towards the sea, i chased him I managed to catch up with as he fell in to the water. I splashed him with water and he did it back, as the water hit my eye i closed them so it wouldn't hurt, but when I opened them I couldn't see Justin. Then all of a sudden I felt a strong pair of arm wrap around my waist i knew it was Justin, so I turned around and kissed him on the lips, we started to make out, I jumped on to Justins waist his hands on my bum for support so I didn't fall in to the water. Then out of no were a loud sound of thunder followed by lightning then came the rain, we stopped kissing and ran out if the see, we grabbed our things and ran as fast as we could to the car, i got the towel and quickly dried my slef as best as I could, the got changed back in to my outfit I wore earlier that day. and just shoved my hair in to a messy bun and out light make-up on. Justin was getting dressed and we drove off, We drove around for a while before we came to a strange house, I'm guessing it was his house because when we walked up to it he had the keys. When we got inside it was huge and beautiful. He showed me around and the last room we went to was his bedroom. I should of guess I should of known that he was gonna show me this room last.

''And last but not least the best room in the house'' Justin said with a smile on is face and with that he picked me up and threw me on the bed lightly with out hurting me, and the he crawled on top of with his shirt already off, as I looked down at his abs I bit my bottom lip and that must of dove his crazy becuase seconds later he crashed his lips on to mine. We started making out, he started to pull my shirt over my head but we pulled away by the sound of the bedroom door opening....

''Well this is a nice way to meet your new girlfriend aye Justin'' what im guessing him mom said, we both blushed like crazy...


But i will try to update as soon as possible.

you can also message me on this, or by twitter at @Canadian_Loverr 

thanks for reading<3

sorry if there was any spelling mistakes...

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