Chapter 4

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Paige's POV

I am getting ready for my date with Jack tonight. I straightened my hair and parted it to the side. Next I applied some foundation, blush, shimmery light gold eyeshadow, bottom eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick. I got a text from Jack saying he is here so I rushed to put my outfit on. I threw on a bright yellow, strapless high low dress that had a brown belt going around the middle, a jean jacket, and nude wedge heels. I put on dangly gold earrings and a gold and light blue bracelet. I put my phone and wallet into my nude and brown stripped handbag and I walked downstairs. 

Jack was wearing black vans, khacki pants, and a long sleeve purple light purple button up shirt. He looked really hot. My dad and him were talking about the football game that was coming up.

"Hey." I said walking down the steps. 

"Hey." Jack greeted me smiling

"Well I will let you kids get out of here but have her back at 11 please." my dad said 

"No problem sir. Have a goodnight." Jack said shaking my Dad's hand

"Bye Daddy." I said waving following Jack out the door

"He likes you. I can tell." I said as we got into the car

"Good because I was nervous." Jack said laughing

"Oh come on why wouldn't he love you?" I teased turning up the radio a little bit

"I don't know I just always get nervous around adults." he said shrugging

Dinner so far was going great. Jack took me to this sort of fancy restaurant. 

"So were you born in Arizona?" he asked taking a sip of his soda

"No I was actually born in Tennesse. But my mom died of cancer when I was three so we moved to Arizona shortly after that." I explained

"Oh I"m sorry about your mom." he said gently

"It's ok I didn't really know her or remember her. My dad never really talks about her either." I said shrugging

"So what's it like being this big vine star?" I asked him laughing. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"It's cool. Jack and I are just doing what we love everyday so it is a lot of fun." he said 

"Have you and Jack always been best friends?"

"Yupp ever since kindergarton." he said laughing telling me the story of how they met causing me to laugh.

"Your laugh is adorable." he said smirking at me

"Stop I hate my laugh. I feel like I sound like a tone deaf whalrus." I said

"Well in that case you are a cute tone deaf whalrus." he said reaching across the table and taking his hand in mind

"I hate you." I said rolling my eyes

"No you don't. Because I"m irresistable." he said wiggling his eyebrows

"You are such a weirdo. And cocky much?" I asked laughing. There is just something about Jack that can make me laugh.

"Wanna get out of here?" he asked after paying the bill

"Yeah sure." I said as he laced our fingers together. "Jack I could have paid for myself you know." I said looking up at him

"I know but I wanna pay for all our dates." he said smiling down at me and kissing my temple

"Who said we are having any more dates?" I said jokingly. I made a run for it and he started chasing after me. He finally caught me and picked me up and spun me around before lightly pecking my lips. His phone started ringing and he put me down. He answered it and talked for a few moments before hanging up.

"Come on we have to go some place." he said opening the car door up for me

"Where are we going?" I asked confused

"Well the idots Sam, Jack, and Nash all got themselves kicked out of Walmart and they need a ride." Jack said laughing

"How the hell do you get kicked out of walmart?" I asked laughing

"With them? This doesn't surprise me." he said pulling into the parking lot. They saw us and hopped into the backseats of Jack's car.

"So what did you guys do now?" Jack asked driving away

"This time it wasn't even our faults I swear! We were riding on those granny scooters and they kicked us out! Hi Paige!" Sam exclaimed causing me to laugh

"We also were knocking things over. We are not allowed back to the store for a week." Nash said shaking his head

"Where do you guys want me to drop you guys off at?" Jack asked them

"Oh I' sorry I forgot how was your guys date?" Jack asked us smirking causing me to blush

"It was going great until you idiots called. So whose house?" Jack G asked

"Sam's that is where my car is." Jack J said

I turned up the radio and we sang along to whatever came on. We dropped them off at Sam's house and they all wished me a goodnight. I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was already 10:30. We pulled back into my driveway and Jack opened the door for me and walked me to my door. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked staring into my eyes

"Sure." I said smiling

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked blushing. I leaned up and kissed him. He deepened the kiss. We finally broke apart and he rested his forehead on mine.

"Yes." I said kissing him on the nose. I gave him one more kiss before walking inside. I walked into the kitchen and threw my bag on the table smiling like an idiot.

"Someone got kissed tonight." my dad said making me jump

"Jesus Dad you gave me a heart attack!" I said gripping my chest

"Haha sorry. So you really like this boy don't you?" he asked me smirking handing me a drink

"Yeah he is great. And aw Dad you made our favorite drinks, a chocolate milkshake." I said laughing taking a sip

"Well he seems like a nice boy so I approve. Cheers." my dad said clinking our glasses together

"Cheers." I replied laughing. Tonight was a good night.

Meant to Be? Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now