Chapter 25

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Paige's POV

Things have gotten bad so my dad is making me go to therapy. I am currently in the middle of my first session. I haven't talked at all yet. I have just been eating from the jolly ranchers bag she has on her desk.

"I take it you love those." she said laughing

"I like comfort food." I admitted

"And why do you need comfort food in a situation like this?" she asked looking over at me

"Because I'm scared. I don't really like admiting my feelings to people." I said shrugging

"And why do you think that?" she questioned

"I don't know. I have always been like that. You see my mom died at a young age, I was only three. But I remember everything perfectly from that day. I remember being so mad at my dad because I thought it was his fault that my mom had died. I remember throwing things around my room and then just sitting on my bed crying because I didn't have a mom anymore." I said remembering the memory

"What did your mom die of?"

"Brest Cancer. That is what my grandmother just died of too. It runs in the family." I explained

She wrote some stuff down on her clipboard before asking another question.

"How does it make you feel not having your mom around?"

"Pretty shitty to be honest. Sorry for my language but I couldn't find a better word." 

"It's ok. Why does it make you feel shitty?" she asked half smiling at me

"Because I had to grow up without my mom being there. She was never there for the birthday parties, or the shopping trips, or even when I started liking boys. It sucked to have my dad explain what periods were and he just got more and more awkward as I grew up. I mean my mom's sister Jenny was always there for me but it just wasn't the same. It doesn't help that I look exactly like her too." I said showing her a picture

"Wow you are the spitting image of her. Well Paige I know exactly how you feel. My mom died when I was eleven. She also had cancer. I can relate to you because it sucked going to hospital visits with her, it sucked not having her there for my sixteenth birthday, my wedding day, and when my kids were born. There doesn't go a day where I don't think about her. But you know what helps me? I found all these home vidoes that I watch that she is on. It is like she is back on this earth again when I watch them." she explained

"My mom left behind videos for me that are kind of like life lessons. I watched one two weeks ago when I broke up with my boyfriend. We got back together about a week and a half ago but it was nice to see and hear her. There are a lot more other tapes too." I explained

"Good I want you to keep watching them. I also want you to start keeping a journal and write something everyday. And each week when you come in we can talk about what you wrote. But I think that is enough for today. Good job." she said smiling at me

"What am I supposed to write in here?" I asked confused

"Anything really. It can be your feelings or whatever pops into your head." she explained

"Ok thank you, see you next week." I said waving to her


"Jack where are you taking me?" I asked confused. He currently has me blindfolded in the car right now

"I told you it is a surprise. Don't worry five more minutes." he said grabbing onto my hand

"Is this the part where I found out the last seven months you have been obsessed with me and you secretly have a shrine in your room? Oo do I get killed next?" I joked with him

"You watch way to many crime shows. We are here." he announced as I felt the car stop. He opened my door and helped me out. He took off my blindfold to reveal this beautiful restaurant. He took my hand and we walked inside.

"Jack how are you honey?" a woman who looks exactly like his dad asked bringing him in for a hug and kiss

"I'm good Aunt Marge how are you?" he asked. As they had small talk I looked around. There were some family photos on the wall. It was an italian place but it was adorable.

"And you must be Paige. Hi I am Jack's aunt marge." she said shaking my hand

"It is so nice to finally meet you. Jack never shuts up about you." she said laughing

"Aw I hope it is all good things. It is nice to meet you too." I said smiling at her

"She sure is pretty. Come on I will show you guys your table." she said leading us upstairs to the roof. There was a single table set up and you can see the whole view of the town. 

"Wow this is really beautiful." I said as we sat down

"Yeah it is. When I was a little kid I liked coming up here to think it was relaxing." he said smiling at me

"How come you never told me your dad's sister owns this place?"

"Only you and my friends know. And I don't know it never really came up." he said shrugging

"You are actually the first girl I have brought here." he said as our food came

"What about Courtney?" I asked confused

"Nah she would never appreciate a view like this like you do. You are way more important to me than she is so I thought this would be special." he explained

"Well it is and I love it thank you." I said kissing him

Meant to Be? Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now