Chapter 10

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Paige's POV

"What the hell happened to you guys?" I asked as Jack ran upstairs to get the first aid kit. Taylor went into the kitchen and brought back two ice packs. 

"Well we were just playing a pick up game of basketball at the park when like six prep guys show up. Pat Schneider being the leader of them all. Some shit was said and we thought they were leaving but they beat us. They caught us off guard." Jack J explained shaking his head

"I'm sorry who is prep?" I asked

"It is our rival school it has been for like the past ten years now. Pat Schneider is our age and he plays on the basketball team. Him and his friends have had beef with us ever since freshman year. We beat them last year at basketball so I guess this is payback." Sam explained. Jack got out some wipes and the boys went into the bathroom to clean off their faces. They came back and it wasn't as bad but they still had a lot of bruises.

"Pat Schneider is not going to get away with this." Cameron said shaking his head

"Yeah Cams right we have been taking their shit for too long." Carter said 

"We have to do something." Matt said 

"You guys arn't going to fight are you?" Bri asked all worried. Cam kissed her temple to calm her down.

"Jack you can't fight. I don't like that." I whispered to him. He took his hand in mine and kissed it gently.

"Don't worry babe I won't." he said smiling gently at me. We decided on ordering pizzas and us girls left to go get it.

Jack's POV

"Alright now that the girls are gone we have to fight them guys." Taylor said 

"Yeah I know. I can probaly call Brock and the guys and we should have enough." Sam said 

"Alright well we can't tweet out about the fight or the girls will be mad." Jack J said 

"Yeah so we have to start a group text and get the word going." I said

"Alright we will meet at the park and do it tonight at 10:30." Cameron said

"Guys we all know that Pat is pretty big and he has those two guys who are huge too." Shawn said

"Yeah so we need to double up." Nash said

"Alright Sam and Cam you guys take the big basketball player. Jack J and Carter will take the wrestler." Taylor suggested

"Yeah and I want to take Pat because I am sick and tired of this shit." I said 

"Yeah and I'm sure Brock wouldn't mind taking a swing at him either." Sam said laughing

"So it is set. Lets win this boys." Carter said jumping up and down getting us pumped

Paige's POV

After we ate pizza we just hung out and watched tv for a little bit more. The girls are sleeping over my house so we left around 9:00. The girls changed into their pajamas and so did I. I changed into black soffe shorts, a black sports bra with a white muscle top over it that had nike written across it in gray. I threw my hair up into a ponytail but Bri fish tailed my ponytail for me. 

"So Jack J asked me to homecoming yesterday guys." Mille said smiling

"Aw Mil that's great." I said patting her on the back. We are all sitting around the table drinking coffee.

"Thanks. We are going dress shopping next weekend right?" she asked

"Yupp I read online that Target, Forever 21, and American Eagle are all having sales." Megan said 

"Guys we have to go." Bri exclaimed getting up 

"What why?" we all asked confused

"The boys lied to us. They are fighting right now at the park." she said showing us her phone

"I am going to kill them." I said getting up and throwing a grey zip up hoodie on and my black flip flops.

"Not if I kill them first." Megan said as we all piled into the car. It took us about five minutes to get to the park. I quickly parked my car and we all ran out. We saw a huge crowd around the basketball courts. We ran up but a lot of people were in the way.

"Come on just push." Bri said grabbing our hands and dragging us through the crowd. We finally got to the front. All the boys were all bloody and bruised. But I herd the sound of somebody's fist colliding with somebody's face and I looked up to see that my boyfriend Jack just got hit in the nose. He was really bleeding. I'm assuming he was fighting this Pat kid. Jack punched him right across the face. I am so scared I have never seen Jack like this before. Tears began to well up in my eyes.

"Shit what are you guys doing here?" Jack J asked us

"We got a fucking text. We told you guys not to fight. Now look Paige has to sit here and watch her boyfriend fight some other guy." Megan said pulling me in for a hug

"Paige just calm down everything is fine." Jack J said trying to comfort me

"Oh yeah everything is fine. He just got fucking hit across the nose Jack!" I exclaimed 

"Ok I am going to try and stop it." He said putting his hands up in defense. He grabbed Cam, Sam, and Brock and they pulled Pat and Jack apart. Pat and his crew left and Jack made eyecontact with me. I just rolled my eyes and gave my keys to Megan and walked off in the opposite direction. I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now. 

I hate fights because my cousin used to get into them all the time. It scared me how mad him and his friends would get. I walked to the end of the dock and sat down. There was a little breeze and I put my arms together trying to get warm. I felt somebody putting something around my shoulders. I look up to see it is Jack. His nose is all bloody and he has blood all over his clothes.

"I really wish you didn't have to see that." he said sitting down next to me

"Yeah well I did. You promised me you weren't going to get into a fight." I said putting some of the blanket on him too.

"I know but somebody had to put those guys in their place. I'm sorry I really am." he said trying to make me look at him but I couldn't.

"Fighting isn't always the answer you know." I said looking down at the water. I felt his finger under my chin and he made me look up into his eyes.

"I know it scares you and I am sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say." 

"I forgive you I'm not mad I was just scared. Does it hurt?" I asked examining his face

"Yeah a little bit. I'll just ice it later." 

"I can always put makeup on it you know." I said laughing

"Lets not go too far." he said putting his arm around me pulling me in for a hug

"I love you." I mumbled against his chest

"Love you too." he said kissing the top of my head

Meant to Be? Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now