Chapter 8

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Paige's POV

This morning the principal wanted to have a talk with my dad and I. I really have no clue why. We walked into his office. I ignored the looks I was getting from other kids. 

"This is weird. I have never been called down to your school for anything unless you were sick. You didn't get in trouble did you? Oh God are you doing drugs?" he asked starting to freak out. I started cracking up.

"Paige this isn't funny." he said 

"Dad I am not doing drugs and I didn't get in trouble. I honestly have no clue what this is about." I said shrugging my shoulders. Pretty soon the principal came and we followed him back into his office.

"Sorry for making you late for work Mr. Thompson." My principal Mr Jacobs said

"No it's ok, and you can call me Greg by the way. Paige isn't in trouble is she?" my dad asked

"No of course not. Paige is always on her best behavior. I actually called you both in to talk about college. Paige is a straight A student and she is involved in the yearbook and fashion clubs which is great but she hasn't applied for any colleges yet." Mr Jacobs explained

"I'm sorry all this information is new to me too." my dad said looking at me. I just looked down

"We sent our Paige's transcripts to some colleges and a lot of them want her. Princeton, Duke, Cornell, University of Michigan, and Georgetown." my principal said smiling

"They all want me seriously?" I asked taking the papers

"I want to go to either Princeton or Duke." I blurted outloud

"Well why didn't you tell anybody?" my dad asked confused

"I don't know what I want my major to be." 

"Well you can always enroll as undecided." and the talk went by the rest like that. After the meeting my dad and I had to set up some college stuff with my gudiance counselor. 

"Paige why didn't you tell me you were scared about college?" my dad asked gently

"Because it has always been just you and me. I didn't want you to have to be alone because of mom not being there." I said gently

"Oh sweetie. I always knew one day you were going to grow up and go to the college of your dreams, find your knight in shining armor, get a job, get married, and have kids. What I am trying to say is I knew someday you were going to grow up and I have to learn to let go." he said 

"Dad do you know why I want to go to Princeton?" I asked him but he shook his head no

"You always told me when I was younger that that is where prince's and princess's go to school. Memeber you used to read all those fairytale stories to me." I said laughing

"I do remember that. That was also the day your softball team won the championship." he said laughing

"Well no matter what happens kiddo it is always going to be me and you forever." he said sticking his pinky out. I grabbed onto it with mine and we both smiled. This has always been a tradition of ours when we make a promise to eachother.

"Well I have to go to work but have a great rest of your day at school. Love you."

"Love you too dad." I said as I began walking to lunch. Everybody was eating out in the courtyard today. I walked over to Megan and Nash and sat down.

"Hey guys." I said smiling

"Hey Paige. How was your meeting?" Meg asked me

"Good. They told me all about different colleges that want me." I replied

"What colleges would want you?" Nash joked

"I seriously hate you. But for your information Princeton and Duke." I said smirking

"Not uh you are so bluffing." he said

"Nope read the paper and weep grier." I said handing him the paper

"Holy shit. I never knew you were some sort of freak genius." he said smirking

"Wow that was such a backhanded compliment." I replied laughing making everyone laugh.

School ended about a half hour ago and now I am over Jack's house.

"So my parents want to meet you soon." he said smiling

"Ok well I am available whenever." I said smiling as I kissed his nose

"Can you do saturday for lunch?" 

"Yeah that works for me. Can you come over friday night though? My aunt and grandmother are going to be in town and they want to meet you." I explained

"Yeah of course. That sounds like fun. Are you hungry?" he asked me

"Starvinggg. I havn't eaten anything since lunch." I said holding onto my stomach

"Alright I will go make us something. But wait in here I want it to be a surprise." he said running into the kitchen. What is up with him today? I thought as I plopped down on the couch. Five minutes later he called me into the kitchen.

"Jack why are you in such a weir-" but I stopped mid sentence when I saw what was on the table. He had two big cartons of chocolate ice cream filled to the top with whipped cream. But written on one of the cartons it said homecoming with me?

"Aw babe this is so cute. Of course I will go to homecoming with you." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. I could feel him smiling against my lips.

"Good. Now lets eat!" he exclaimed handing me a spoon. We were in the middle of eating when thunder boomed and I jumped. 

"Woah babe are you scared of thunder storms?" he asked 

"Yes I have been ever since I was three. I hated them ever since my mom died. It thundered and rained on the day she died and I have hated them ever since." 

"Aw  babe come here." he said wrapping his arms tightly around me. He kissed the top of my head.

"I am not gonna let anything hurt you. I will always be here for you. I love you." he whispered

Meant to Be? Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now