Chapter 22

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Paige's POV

I was at a party with my friends. I was wearing my normal amount of makeup, bwhite skinny jeans with black polka dots, nude flats, and a mint green sweater.

"There are so many weird people here." Megan said looking around

"And people keep staring at us." I pointed out

"They keep staring because we dumped the hottest guys in school. Who gives a shit." Bri said taking a sip of her beer

"Why don't we go down to the basement? A lot of people are down there." Millie suggested

"Is it raining?" I asked confused

"Yeah tonight is supposed to be the biggest storm of the year." Megan told me

We walked down to the basement. It was pretty big. Kids were playing pool and ping pong and others were just talking and listening to music.

"I think we are being followed." Bri whispered to me. I turned around and saw Shawn and Nash standing there looking at us.

"Nash looks terrible." I whispered back to her

"He misses Megs a lot and we both know for a fact that she misses him." Bri said. I gave her a look.

"Oh no I know that look. What idea do you possibly have?" she asked chugging the rest of her beer

"We have to get them back together." I said 

"No no way I am not helping with that."she said

"Fine then Millie will help and you will be left down here all alone." I said smirking knowing that I had won

"Oh you are good." she said

"Ok Millie you go take Megan upstairs. When Bri texts you take her outside and we will bring Nash outside so they can talk. Got it?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head. Bri and I walked over to Nash and Shawn.

"Hey." they said uneasy

"Hi look we didn't come over here to chat I have a question." I said looking at Nash

"What?" he replied

"Do you miss Megan cause you look like shit." I said

"Gee thanks. And yes I miss her so much." he said looking down

"Well come on loverboy we are going to get you guys back together." I said grabbing his hyand and dragging them up the stairs with me. I made awkward eyecontact with Mack and Brock but I kept going. I walked outside and nodded at Millie. Nash and Megan looked at eachother and then back at us.

"This is the part where you guys talk now talk." Bri said closing the door leaving them out there 

Suddenly I herd loud screaming and chants coming from the family room.

"Jack! Jack! Jack!" I looked over to see my ex boyfriend doing shots with Sam. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. A boom of thunder went off and I knew I had to go now before I have a panic attack.

"Go home Paige its ok." Millie said walking me to the door

"Thanks I will text you guys tomorrow." I said waving before running to my car

Jack's POV

I saw Paige run out to her car and leave. She looked scared. I made my way over to Millie and Bri.

"Oh look dickhead one is here." Bri said coldly

"Cut the sarcasm Bri why did Paige leave?" 

"Like you care." she said crossing her arms over her chest. Millie hit her.

"She is scared of thunderstorms so she went home. It is supposed to be the biggest storm of the year tonight." Millie explained to me

"And Paige is there all alone so you might want to go check on her." Bri added

I quickly said goodbye to my friends and ran out to my car. I drove over to Paige's house as fast as I could. It was pouring rain and thunder and lighting pretty bad. I parked my car and ran as fast as I could to her front door. I know for a fact that she leaves a spare key under the doormat. I unlocked the front door and made my way inside. I took off my shoes and shook my hair from the wet. It was all dark in there.

"Paige?" I called out

"Jack?" I herd her call out confused

"Where are you?" 

"In the kitchen. The power cut off and I cant find any flashlights." she said. I used the flashlight on my hpone and found my way to the kitchen. We both looked through drawers and we finally found lanterns and we lit them. 

Paige's POV

"What are you doing here Jack?" I asked leaning against the counter top

"It is supposed to be the biggest storm of the year and I know how scared you are of storms so I thought I check up on you." he explained

"Well thank you but I am fine." I said jumping as thunder went off. He smirked.

"I don't think you are fine. I am staying no ifs ands or buts." he said 

There was a long silent pause in between us.

"Can we talk?" he asked. I nodded my head and walked into the family room with him following close behind. We both sat down on the couch.

"Look Paige I am so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"I want you to tell me eevrything from the begining." I said looking up at him

"We saw you the first day of school and I thought you were gorgeous. I was nervous to talk to you so the other guys betted me to date you. I called the bet off after three days because I knew I already liked you too much. The truth is Paige I love you I really do. Nobody makes me feel the way you do. I need you. This past week without you has sucked. Please forgive me please?" 

"Jack Gilinsky you are an idiot but you are my idiot." I said bringing him in for a hug

"You are all wet." I mumbled into his chest he just chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"I"ve missed you." he said 

"I have missed you too." I replied

"Does this mean I am forgiven?" he asked looking at me

"Yes you are forgiven but we are taking things slow because you really did hurt me. Now let me get you an extra pair of clothes before you get sick." I said running upstairs and bringing him down some clothes. I changed into pjs while he was changing also.

"Can we just go and cuddle?" I asked. He siled and nodded and I took his hand and brought him up to my room. I laid down in my bed. I looked up to see him just standing there. I patted the side next to me and he laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my head on his chest.

"This is going to be a long night." I said as more lightening went off

"It's ok I have you. I wont let anything hurt you." he said kissing my forehead. I herd him murmur an I love you before I fell asleep. 

Meant to Be? Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now