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Maya's POV:

I scoop up some apple sauce in the lunch line and put it on my tray, then absentmindedly wander out into the cafeteria after going through the rest of the line.

I take a seat at the usual table and wait for Riley to arrive.

I see Farkle walk into the cafeteria and turn in my direction, but once we make eye contact he turns around and takes a seat at a different table.

Whatever. He'll get over it. I tell myself as Riley takes a seat next to me.

"Hey." I say cautiously.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"For?" I ask.

"For being so rude this morning. If I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to."
She apologizes.

"Oh. It's okay." I say.

We both look up and see Lucas walk into the cafeteria. He looks over at us but we both glare at him. He nods as if he expected that to happen and takes a seat next to Farkle at the other table.

"Maya," Riley suddenly says,"Lucas gave me a note."

"Really?" I ask, "what did it say?"

"He wants to meet me in the library before the last period. What should I do?" She asks.

I think about it for a second. "Give him two minutes to explain himself, and that's all. Don't accept any apologies, just tell him that you need time to think." I say.

"Why?" Riley asks.

"Because," I explain, "you can't seem too desperate. He needs to play that role."

A look of understanding crosses her face and she nods her head. "Okay." She says.

By then we are both done with our lunches and we get up to throw away our leftover food just before the bell rings.

Riley and I both get caught up in the rush of students racing out of he cafeteria and I shout to her, "Tell me how it goes!"

"Okay!" Riley yells and soon disappears around the corner.


Author's note: I FINALLY updated my story! Sorry I took so long to do it I just never had the time to do it or I forgot (sorry again). But I hope you guys like the story so far and hopefully I will have more time to update it because I really want to finish it. (Also thanks for over 300 reads!)

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