Sleep Over

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Maya's POV:

I knock on the door of a small house with an address that matches the one that Josh sent me.

The door opens and I see Josh's amazing face that I fell for what seems like a lifetime ago.

"Maya," He says, "are you okay?"

I try to talk, but all of the sudden I crack. I break down and cry, falling into Josh's arms.

We stand in the doorway of the house for a few minutes, Josh comfortingly stroking the back of my head.

I finally take one more shaky breath and allow myself to look up. "Let's go inside," Josh says, "it's cold out here."

I follow him past a living room and down a hallway into a bedroom. We sit down on the side of the bed and Josh asks, "Do you want to talk about what just happened back there?"

I nod and wipe my face. "I've been having a lot of mixed up emotions lately." I admit.

"Okay. Tell me all about it." Josh says, obviously ready to take in any information thrown his way.

"Well, it started last night." I say. "You came over and told me you liked me. That was great news at the time, but after you left, I found Riley, and..." I trail off, recalling what happened.

"And?" Josh asks.

I look at his sweet caring face, and all of the sudden I know that I can't tell him what's been going on with Riley. It would break him. Imagine how much courage it must've taken for him to finally admit to me that he has feelings for me. I can't do that to him.

"And, I couldn't tell her." I lie. "I couldn't tell her what you said. I don't know why, I just couldn't. I hate lying to her, and it's killing me."

"Wait, so this is about not being able to tell Riley about us?" Josh asks. "Maya, you and Riley are the closest friends I have ever seen. Even closer than Shawn and Corey. You can tell her anything. I promise."

I already know this, but I have to keep lying if I want to avoid the truth.

"You really think so?" I ask.

"I know so." He says. Then, he leans down and the moment I've been waiting for for such a long time finally happens. We kiss. For a second I forget all about my feelings for Riley and wrap my arms around Josh's neck. He puts his hands on my back and pulls me closer to him. I feel my coat sliding off of my arms and I pull Josh's shirt off of his chest. I get so caught up in the moment I don't even realize where this is going. I shiver when I feel his hands on my bare back-when did that happen? I place my hands on his firm chest and push him away from me.

Breathless, I manage to say, "Josh,"

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm fourteen." I say, breathing heavily.

"Oh," He says, embarrassed, "I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's fine. I know you didn't."

He rubs the back of his neck. "Do you want to leave?"

"No! No, I'm fine I swear, I just can' that."

"Yeah, yeah, I totally get it." Josh nods. "What do you want to do?"

I think about what I really feel like doing. Going home is not an option-my mom is probably home by now and I don't want to see her. She'll probably just think I'm sleeping over at Riley's, anyways. Riley. I feel like I'm betraying her. But then again, that's exactly what she did to me.

I slide closer to josh and pull him to me. "This." I whisper as I put my lips on his.

We kiss, lost in our own little world. Before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep.


Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzzz.

I wake up to a constant buzzing noise coming from somewhere in the unfamiliar room that I'm in. I look around and see that I'm in a bed, and when I look to the left I see that I'm not alone.

My heart stops for a second before I realize that it's just Josh. Wait, it's Josh. Did I sleep with him? Everything that happened last night comes back to me in a rush. I quickly look down at myself and see that I'm in my bra and jeans.

I rest my head in my hands trying to sort out everything.

Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzzzzzz. 

I quickly get annoyed by the buzzing and try to find where it's coming from. I spot my coat on the floor and walk around the bed to it.

I search the pockets of my coat and find my buzzing phone. The screen is lit up with an incoming call from Riley. Before I can press answer the call ends and I see all of my notifications. They are all missed calls from Riley. It actually takes about ten swipes down to get to the very first call from an hour ago.

She's been calling non stop since an hour ago. I know that I need to return the call, but I hear Josh moving around behind me.

I turn around and see Him rubbing his eyes. He looks around and we make eye contact.

"Morning." He says, his voice filled with sleep.

"Morning." I say.

"How long have you been awa-"

Buzzzz. Buzzzzzzzz.

"Sorry Josh, I've really gotta go."

"What? Why?" He says getting out of the bed.

"I just have to." I say, frantically searching for my shirt.

Josh hands it to me with a confused look on his face.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" He asks.

"No, nothing happened."

I pull my shirt over my head and grab my coat.

"Thank you for last night." I say. "Gotta run."

"Wait, when will I see you again?"

"Soon." I promise.

Josh follows me back to the front door as I shrug into my coat.

I turn around to say bye but I'm cut off by Josh planting a kiss on my lips.

"Bye." He says, beating me to it.

I smile and step outside, shutting the door behind me.

I set off down the street towards the subway, unaware of what would happen when I arrive at Riley's house.

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