The Audition (Finchel)

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A/N This is my first fanfic so it may or may not suck. Set in Season 3 when Rachel is prepping for her audition. Her and Finn are just friends here. I know the title is dumb but I'm not that good with titles.

Hope you enjoy it!



Chapter 1

"Finn. Its only one cup of coffee." I groan

"Who was the one who made me promise not to buy any coffee, soda, or dairy products for you until the audition? Oh wait that was you." He says sternly.

I cross my arms and turn my head. If I'm going to ace this audition I need to be a diva. Hopefully Finn will understand that I'm being a diva. Not just a bitch.

"Finn. My dear dear friend. You know sometimes I say things I don't mean. Now will you please buy me a latte. " I say. I finish it off by flashing him a (tony award winning) fake smile.

He stares down at me. Even sitting down he is much taller than me.

"Oh fine you persuasive little b-"

"Best friend!" I say interrupting him. He still isn't getting up.

"Hurry up Frankenteen. You know I would buy it myself but sadly ,and regretfully, I have paid all the workers to not give me coffee." I say.

He laughs and goes to order me my coffee just as Kurt and Blaine return with coffee in hands. Blaine actually is already sipping. While most people would burn their tongue on a drink like this Blaine is what some call an artisan of coffee. Others just call him an addict.

They sit down and start holding hands.

"I cannot believe you are surviving an entire 2 months without coffee, soda, or dairy products." Blaine says to me.

"That may be because you are an addict of 2 out of 3 of these things." Kurt teases.

"No dairy products?' I ask Blaine.

"Lactose intolerant" Blaine and Kurt say at the same time.

They look into each others eyes like they will never see eachother again. The science of love is rather ridiculous .Your heart starting to race, your eyes widening. Its all a spell even I will admit I have fallen for. I try to think of Barbra in situations like this. After all when she started to make it in the buisness she was single. In fact even when she found her first love, Elliot Gould, she hit a rough patch. But all these errors led to finding the love of her life, James Brolin. I guess thats why they call it try-error.One day all of my errors  will seem ridiculous and what people will actually talk about is my trys. 

Finn returns with my latte in his hand and a tiny slip of paper in the other.

"Here you go Persuasion." Finn says handing me a cup of coffee.

"Bless you. I needed this." I say without actually looking at him. What I'm really focused on is finally drinking some coffee. 

Finn sits in his seat still smiling.

"Why are you smiley?" Blaine says.

"Oh um the girl at the counter asked me out." He says quickly as to get over spitting it out.

I suck in a quick breath. I'm not nervous. Or at least I don't think I look nervous. I'm just protective of Finn. Not because I like him. Its just because for me a good friend (a male one specifically) is hard to find. If Finn was in a serious relationship I would feel a bit threatened.

"Didn't they hire a new girl?" Kurt asks. Only him and Blaine would know the employees who work at The Lima Bean.

"They did in fact order a new girl. Though I have not seen her yet. Is she cute?" Blaine says.

"More importantly! Did you say yes?" I ask trying to sound nonchalant but totally failing.

"I said no," Finn says quickly "but I did get her number."

Finn smiles looking proud of himsef in a way only guys do.

I give him a highfive trying to be the cool girl best friend. I will check out who she is when we leave. Kurt starts talking about some foreign movie that he is freaking out about. Me and Finn share a glance knowing that with Kurt this conversation could go for hours.

Me and Finn both intervene by the trashcan. We pretend to be putting sugar in our drinks. If Kurt had been paying more attention he would have known that Finn and I never take sugar in our coffee.

"So have you decided on your song?" Finn says.

"No. Have you decided if you're going to audition?" I say.


"Don't Rachel me. You know you would get in. You are UH-MAY-ZING. Do you hear me!" I say. I've been trying to convince him to audition for months. I know he would get in. Finn is so terrified of rejection that it sometimes bothers me.

"Rachel, I'm not as good as half of the people auditioning. Only kids like you and St.James could get into that school. I'm good but I'm not good enough. And thats okay." He says with a half smile. He looks happy but I know hes insecure. I have no idea why. Any school would be lucky to have him.

I'm about to say something when he walks back to the table. Hes almost to his seat when I touch his shoulder.

"You don't have to audition but know that you are amazing. Okay?" I say.

He leans down and gives me a hug. Suddenly he wraps his arms around the small of my back.


Then he picks me up and spins me around.When he finally puts me down I slap his arm.

"You jackass! You suck! You suck! You SUCK!" I say while laughing.

We go back to our seats. Just as we sit down we are told by Blaine that the movie Kurt described sounds simply fantastic and he has to go.

"Do you guys want to come?"

"No!" Finn and I say at the same time.

"No culture!" Kurt declares."Absolutely none of you!"

As we walk out the door I remember to check out the girl at the counter. As soon as I do I suck in my breath.

Its Quinn Fabray.


Yeah so this was pretty short but I'll see if I can make it longer next time. Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed it!

Please vote or comment if you liked it. I'll try to post again soon! Have a good day! :)


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