❋Failure is not an option❋

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A/N Thank you guys so much for more than 350 reads.  

You people are the best! Try to remember to vote or comment!!!

I'm going to dedicate each chapter to a random commenter/  reader BTW!


I have to get Finn off my mind. At least for this week.

I feel confident about this audition. I've practiced. I've sang for hours on ends. What more can I do?

Each day passes by me in a second. 5 days. I practice, I focus, I don't think about Finn. 4 days. I practice. I focus I don't think about Finn. 3 days I consider skipping school I'm so stressed, but I don't. 2 days. I spend the entire day talking to Kurt about how stressed I am. 1 day. I do vocal runs for 3 hours straight.

And now today. Kurt will be coming over so we can hang out for a couple before the audition. Speaking of which, I hear him knocking on the door now. He enters the room wearing the only casual clothes he owns ,sweatpants and a grey sweater he uses for dancing. 

"Shoes off!" I say as hes about to step in to my house. He slips off his suede boots and pulls me into a hug.

We lock eyes for 2 seconds and then we both shriek.

"Oh my god. Its happening today!"

"I KNOW!" I say channeling my inner Monica from Friends. 

We run upstairs and fall onto my bed.

"Do you want to see my outfit?" I whisper. I'm resting my voice.

"Of course. Is it that gorgeous charcoal dress I-"

I stop him before he continues. "No. Its awesome though.

I go into my bathroom and unzip the dress. After slipping of my skirt and sweater I step into the dress. I zip myself up and turn to the mirror. I smooth out the black cap sleeves and look at myself. The silk dress cinches in the chest to form some rouching. I wrap a thin black belt around my waist and observe the bottom of the dress. It has pleating throughout it and falls down to the knee. I spin around and watch the skirt puff out into a circle around my knees. 

I open the door and say "tada!". 

"Oh my god!" Kurt says. "You look great!"

"Makeup?" I say.

"Makeup." Kurt says. I grab my makeup bag. I brush on blush. I can't decide what eye shadow to use but eventually decide on light pink. I put on dark mascara and curl my eyelashes. My eyelashes are a dark black fringe now. I delicately put on a light pink lip gloss, but nothing that will affect my singing. 

I am ready I tell myself. At least I look the part. Kurt puts on his Phantom outfit and smiles,but now that smile is gone.

"Its just so... so GENERIC! I feel like if I do that I won't be remembered."

"Kurt," I say "Do you want to be remembered or do you want to be great?" Hes acting ridiculous. Phantom is his song.

"Can't I be both? I know what song I would do if I wasn't doing Music of the Night."

"Well what would you do?" I ask him. How bad could it be?

"Not the Boy Next Door." He says with a smile.

I guess it could be that bad.

"Kurt, you can't. Do you know how risky that is? You could forget the words, You could crack on the highnotes-"

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