❋Nationals Part 2❋

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A/N Hello everyone. Are you doing good? I hope you are.

Anyway there is only one more chapter after this! This has been so so much fun.

There might even be a sequel after this. 

Remember to vote and comment. If you're interested in a sequel please comment.

Well, here we go!


I stride on to the stage and flash a smile. For the first time I smile not to win over the judges but because I am filled to the brim with joy. 

I look to my left and see Finn. He gives me a thumbs up and I smile and blow a kiss which he pretend to catch. And in that moment I don't care that Carmen isn't there or that my dress is too itchy or that we might lose because I feel like I'm floating.

Then the spotlights turn on. I love the familiar feel of the light in my eyes. I hear the opening chords of "Its All Coming Back to Me Now." 

I slowly begin to sing 

There were nights when the wind was so cold

That my body froze in bed if I just listened to it, right outside the window

There were days when the sun was so cruel

That all the tears turned to dust and I just knew my eyes were drying up forever.

The music builds up and I smile and turn my head up.

I finished crying in the instant that you left

And I can't remember where or when or how

And I banished every memory that you and I have ever had!

I feel like crying and I don't know why. I have all this joy in me and I just push it all into my next lyrics.

But when you touch me like this

And you hold me like that

I just have to admit that its all coming back to me 

When I touch you like this 

And I hold you like that

Its hard to believe but Its all coming back to me

I turn my head to build up emotion and then I see her.

Madame Tibedeaux sits down and I want to just jump up and down. My face breaks into a smile. And I feel like I'm going to forget my lyrics but I've never felt more sure of myself. I've never felt more confident. I turn and see Finn and all I need to do is lock eyes with him and I know I'm fine. I know I will win Nationals for my team.

I finish up the song and as we get to the chorus I hold my hands to my chest and belt out the last notes.

It was gone with the wind but its all coming back to me now.

I hear the applause. People begin standing up and I breathe heavily. Before I know it its a standing ovation. 

I've had this before. I've gotten the standing ovation and the applause and the cheers from the audience but this is different. Because everything that could go right has gone right. Finn loves me. I love him. Carmen is here. And even if we haven't won yet I know that we will take the Nationals trophy and I will graduate a Nationals champion. 

I give a small nod instead of a bow and walk off stage. In my peripheral vision I see Madame Tibedeaux standing up. And shes smiling a smile almost as big as mine. 

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