❋Don't Stop Me Now❋

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A/N Forgive me followers for I have taken a realy long time to update. I had so many tests so I am really really sorry. But they are over now *cheers*. 

Thank you all for getting me too 1500 reads. You guys are amazing! So thanks my fabulous unicorns. 

Remember to vote and comment!


The past week has been fine. The week filled with kissing, hugs and "I love you's". I love having Finn on my arm while I walk down the hallways of school. But today is Friday. And while Friday is a day of relaxation for most it is the opposite for me.

Friday is the day most Jocks and cheerleaders decide to prank and slushie us "Lowly nerds." As I walk to my locker in the beginning of the morning I keep my head low and focus in staring at my flats and kneesocks. 

I look up expecting to see Finns smiling face at my locker . Hes been there everyday this past week with a smike and a cup of coffee. But I don't see this today. Today I see an enraged Finn covered in blue slushsie from his head to his toes.

I suddenly am having de ja vu to the only other time Finn got slushied. 

It was a week after everyone found out about Quinns pregnancy. This was even before me and Finn were friends. He was just the cool football player who everyone idolized. Even me.

I watched as him and Quinn swaggered down the hallways wearing dark sunglasses.They walked arm in arm with broad smiles and shiny white teeth. I watched as Karofsky walks up to Finn and Quinn with slushie in hand. I see them say something to Finn and Quinn. Then with one quick wrist movement they pour an ice cold cups of slushie on him.

Finn wipes the slushie out of his eyes while Quinn just stands frozen in shock looking at Finn. 

"What the hell, Karofsky!" Finn yells.

"Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade. Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball... and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? It's open season." Karofsky says with a cruel smile.

"Screw you, Karofsky" Quinn manages to choke out.

Finn turns into a cursing, spitting rage. Finally, Mr. Schue pulls Finn off of Karofsky.

I stand there my binders in hand and staring at the alpha couple of the school.

If they were getting slushied, then what had happened to the social rankings of the school.


 I stare at Finn silently praying that he doesn't turn into a furious monster like he did last time. 

I run over to him with a paper towel in my hand from my purse. I start to wipe him off.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry. So, so sorry I-"

"I'm fine." he says through gritted teeth.

"Finn you're-" 

"I. am. FINE." he says loudly.

I stare at him angrily. 

"Fine. Clean yourself up." I say before walking away. Who does he think he is? He can't just do that. 

I spend the rest of algebra chewing on my eraser and tapping my desk rhythmically. Finn tries to get my attention throughout it but I ignore him.

When the class ends he runs up to me and grabs my arm.

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