❋Secrets are best unkept❋

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A/N OH MY GLOB YOU GUYS! More than 100 reads! Thank you so much. You are the best!

I really hope you're enjoying this! 

Disclaimer:I don't own glee or any of its characters.


After Glee club Mr Schuester asks me to stay. 

"Rachel, I know every teacher says this, but if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here." He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

Really I think to myself. Yes Mr Schue is the best teacher I've ever had, but is anyone really going to tell a teacher anything. What am I supposed to say. Thanks Mr Schue. By the way I have an evil cheerleader out to get me, I have an audition to prepare for, and I just realized I'm in love with my best friend." As if.

"Thanks Mr Schue." I say before turning on my heel and leaving the classroom. 

As I walk out of the classroom I feel the familiar buzz of my phone in my pocket. As I pull it out I'm not surprised that its Finn. I remember the first time he called me. I was in freshman year. I was so giddy with excitement and I didn't know why. Well, i guess I know now. 

I answer the home and immediately hear Finns voice urgently saying

"Are you okay?I wanted to ask you in glee club but y'know." 

I know what Finn is "Y'knowing about."I don't want to hear him say it so I say it for him.

"Because of Quinn. Look Finn its okay-"

"Look its obviously not. You're my best friend Rachel. What is wrong?" Finn says. I can picture his face right now. His eyes squinting together in worry. My heart skips a beat from thinking that hes worrying about me. I know I can't tell him the truth. 

"Mr. Schue thought that maybe Quinn and Puck would do a duet instead of you and me and I was upset." I say. If he could see me right now he would be able to tell I'm lying. The way I crinkle my nose is a total giveaway.

"Hey listen Rachel," Finn says, "we don't need to a duet this year. Even if we do have great harmonies Quinn and Puck will be fine." 

I smile and say sure. He says goodbye and tells me to feel better. I wan him to say really. To ask me whats really wrong but I know that if he did I wouldn't tell him. Because I am a theatre geek and hes a jock and even if hes a glee clubber too he could never want to be in a relationship with me. 

I clench my jaw and grind my teeth. I remind myself that for this audition I need to have perfect teeth but for two minutes I don't care. But then I go back to my normal self and unclench my jaw and walk towards Kurts house. 


Me, Kurt, and Mercedes have been having sleepovers together every other Friday after glee club since Junior year. We alternate houses every week and today we're meeting at Kurt's. Walking from the living room to Kurts room is like going from Kansas to Oz. 

The living room is filled with monotone colors, arm chairs, and empty cups sitting on tables. And then you walk into Kurts room. 

The walls are relatively subtle (a silver color.) The furniture is not. His bed has turquoise sheets and an assorted number of throw pillows. He has a shag rug that has been died a metallic bronze that is practically gold. Kurt sits in a burgundy armchair under a plaid blanket. I lie down on his shag carpet and play with the fur that is around me. 

"Kuuurt." I groan "What do you want to doooo."

Usually Mercedes is the one who comes up with the fun ideas like a fashion show only in metallic colors or giving eachother blind facials. Kurt is about to say something when Mercedes opens the door.

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