❋To Love and Be Loved❋

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A/N Hi everyone.

First and foremost, thank you for 1,000 reads. This is an accomplishment I never thought I would accomplish. Thank you too everyone who reads this.

I'm not the best writer but I hope to improve throughout this fanfiction.

Please remember to vote or comment!

Thanks again.


"You what?" I sputter out.

"Broke up with her, dumped her, left her. Whatever term you prefer. Either way, I am no longer dating her." Finn says with a grin before pulling me into a kiss. 

"Are you sure... you want me?" I say awkwardly. "Quinn is beautiful, and popular, and has a perfect body and-"

"Stop," Finn says, interrupting me. "I chose you because you're better than Quinn. You are unconventionally beautiful, Rach. You're nice, talented, and not only the girl I want to date, but also my best friend." 

"You want to date me?" I say with a grin too big for my face.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I do."

"Well if that's so then, yes! I will. Any minute I'm not dating you is a minute wasted,Finn."

With an act of pure boldness I get on my tiptoes and kiss him. We kiss for a while until we're interrupted by the infernal ringing of my cellphone. 

"One second." I whisper before walkin over to my phone. The number is one I don't know but I pick up.

"Hello" I say

"Is this Rachel. This is Quinn Fabray."

I practically drop my phone but I manage to spit out "This is she."

"Rachel," I can picture her wicked smile "It was so hard to track this number down, given that you only have two friends who I could ask."

I don't say anything, but Quinn quickly starts talking again.

"Now listen, I'm sure you already know this, but Finn has broken up with me."

"What!" I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice "What a shocker!"

"Yes," Quinn mutters "And here's the even crazier thing. He said it was because he likes you. Insane right? I mean how could he prefer an ugly hobbit over well me." she says with a laugh. 

"Quinn-" I say but she interrupts me.

"Don't 'Quinn' me!" she yells. This whole time shes been calm but I now hear the rage settle in her voice. "Finn was mine. We were dating. And he would never kiss you so I'm guessing you kissed him and somehow used your Jewish voodoo or whatever to make him like you. Now I'm going to say this once and only once. If you don't break up with him now." she pauses to laugh "well you're life will be a living hell. Even more than it already is, Berry. Even though you're life being worse seems nearly impossible."

I take in what shes said. Should I stop dating Finn? It would be much easier if I just broke up with him. Quinn has enough power to make everyone in school want to kill me. But I like Finn. I like him more than I've ever liked anyone. And it doesn't feel like a crush. It feels like perfection. 

Finally I say, "Quinn, you can try to scare me all you want. IT. WON'T. WORK. Me and Finn are happy. Happier than you and him ever would've been. You can make everyone in this school hate me for all I care. As long as Finn likes me I'm fine. And I know that you are the same way. But guess what? Finn hates you. And by the way Finn kissed me and there was no Jewish voodoo involved. "

"You little bitch." she says before I hang up on her.

I sigh. I think about what I've done. Why didn't I just say that me and Finn would break up. It would've been easier. I wouldn't have to deal with Quinn's bitchiness on a daily basis. I've dated other guys before. I went to prom with Sam, I dated Jessie. Oh and my eighth grade boyfriend (even if we did break up after a week.) I ponder why me and Finn feel different until it comes to me. I know Finn. I won't have to get to know him because we're both already experts on each other. And maybe that's why I love him.

Did I just say I love him. Oh man. I can't tell him. I'm already too eager. I can't say I love him after an hour of dating. 

Finally, I walk back to where Finn is sitting. He's not in the living room so I check my room and find him sitting at my desk.

"Who was it?" he says, turning to me in my pink spin chair. 

"Quinn." I say with a smile.

"What'd she say?" he says nervously.

"That shes going to 'make my life a living hell'" I say doing a spot on Quinn impression.

"Do you-." he stops and looks at his feet. "Do you want to break up with me?" He looks at me with these huge puppy eyes and I just run up to him and kiss him.

"How could I do that? I don't care what Quinn does, Finn." I smile up at him. 

Finn pushes hair out of my eyes before saying "I love you."

My eyes widen to ten times their size. 

"Oh- Oh my god. I am so so sorry. If you didn't want to break up with me before I'm sure you do now."

"No, Finn its okay." He smiles. I look up at his big eyes and his beautiful smile and laugh.

"I love you too" I say. 

Finn pulls me into a hug. Suddenly he picks me up and spins me around.

I let out a tiny squeal before he puts me down. I hit his shoulder.

"You're crazy."

"You're crazy."

"No, you're crazy."

We go back and forth like that for awhile and I know we're acting like five year old's but I don't care. As I'm about to say you're crazy again Finn kisses me. He really knows how to make me shut up. 

Since the audition I have been a ball of stress but right now I feel an odd mixture of love and bliss.


A/N Yay! there's not really a cliffhanger!

I really hope you guys are liking this.I'd like to thank you guys again for *dramatic pause* 

1,000 reads! This is really amazing so thanks, thanks, and thanks again.

Have a gleeful day and remember to vote and comment.

 ツ ツ ツ ツ ツ

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