❋Liars deceive themselves❋

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A/N: WOW! More than 50 reads! You are all so amazingly awesome!

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I wake up at 5 AM accidentally. I immediately start my morning routine. All I want is for my Dads to come in and ask me why I'm up so early or what's wrong, but they have learned to tone out the whirring sounds of my exercise bike.

I stare ahead at the poster in front of me. I look at all the separate photos with determination. Barbra. Funny Girl. Broadway.

Nationals. That is what I really need to focus on. I will surely have a solo of some sort. Whether its a ballad or not (it most likely will be) I need to be prepared. I have memorized all of the current most downloaded ITunes songs just in case we sing one for nationals. Last year we barely advanced to regionals. This year me and the rest of my glee teammates really have to bring it.

By 6:30 I am ready for school. I practice singing possible audition songs to kill time. When it finally becomes 8 o'clock I don't want to school. Some days I wish I didn't have a perfect attendance record to uphold. In school school I have to see Finn. And even worse Quinn.I can handle an argument with Finn. But Quinn has this aura around her that makes you not want to hurt or offend her. She walks in a regal tone that I can't mimic if I tried. If Quinn even approached me in school I don't know what I would do.

I get to school (on time of course) in 15 minutes. I am almost to the door of homeroom when I see Finn coming down the hallway. I walk a little faster and hope he doesn't see me but his height advantage lets him see over everyone in the crowd. He pushes trough the crowd and grabs my shoulder.

"Rach, I'm sorry." He says. I'm not looking at him. I'm not going to look at him. My will power soon gives in. I turn to look at him.

"Listen, Finn. I know this is your decision but you really have so much talent. I feel like you don't know that or hear it often enough. You're great. Not just a great singer or football player but as a friend. I really, really don't want to lose you."

My vision is blurred from teary eyes but I can still see a light half smile on his lips.

"Rachel," he says smiling "You know you can never lose me. I'm always going to be there rooting for you."

I give him the biggest hug I can when suddenly I see Quinn walking down the hallways. That damn regal tone is making me nervous so I reluctantly pull out of the hug. Finns hugs are like hugging a 6'3 teddy bear.

"I'll see you later in glee club." I say hurriedly.

The rest of the day slowly passes by. I can't wait and am totally afraid of glee club at the same time. Finn will be there but Quinn will also be there.

When its finally time for glee club I walk in looking as confident as I can. Today I am wearing a white sweater tucked into a patterned skirt. I think I look good. I've been trying to wear more dresses and less reindeer sweaters.

As I walk in I notice almost everyone is there. It takes me two seconds to find Finn in the crowd of people. I go to sit in the chair next to him but soon see it is taken. By Quinn. Finn turns to look at me. He is smiling until he sees me.

"Oh hey Rach. I-um."

"Hes sitting here today. He wanted to sit in the back today.Too bad you like to sit in the front, Berry." Quinn says with a knowing smirk.

Finn is about to say something but I just sit in my normal seat. I would say something but if I did my voice would catch after 2 words. I am so thankful when Mr. Schue comes in with a smile.

"Class, today we are going to work on choosing songs for Nationals." he says while writing Nationals on the board.

"How about a ballad sung by yours truly." Kurt says. I expect Blaine to nod or add something but since Michael week he has been relatively quiet.

I expect all of my worries to fall away once I get into glee club but they haven't. The lump in my throught is still there. The worries are still there. The catch in my voice is still there.

Everyone turns to me expecting to hear a remark about solos or which song we should sing. But I don't.

I quietly say something about how it should be focused on one artist. Mr. Schue agrees.

"An artist like?" he says.

"I don't KNOW! I don't have all the answers"I practically yell. I actually know for a fact that we should either do Meatloaf or P!nk but of course I don't say that.

I storm out. I can't believe I did that. I am known for my storm outs but this was different. People probably don't think it is. They think its just me complaining about all the work I have to put up with or about solos or something. I know that Finn or Kurt will soon come out and ask me whats wrong so I put my head up so I can get my things and leave. I am shocked to find Quinn Fabray sitting in front of me. She knows this is exactly what I can't handle right now. She knows this will be the breaking point.

"Rachel. We both know that that storm-out ,or whatever you call your little tantrums, wasn't about solos. It was about me and Finn. Now here's where I want you to listen closely. Me and Finn are together. At The Lima Bean yesterday I asked him out and the only reason he didn't say yes is because you were there. Today I'm going to ask him out again without you there. And you can bet hes going to say yes. Finn doesn't like you, Rachel. He pities you." She says. This time shes not smirking. Shes angry.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Quinn. This was about solos. I was mad that Mr. Schue didn't listen to the idea I gave him before class which was show tunes." I say lying through my teeth.

"Sure you did," Quinn says sarcastically. "Now I'm going to go to Glee club.I'm either going to tell them you left or you're going to come back in with me."

"I'm coming with you." I can't let her win. Finally just as we're almost to class I say

"You're wrong." I say quietly.

"How was I wrong?" Quinn says.

"I never thought Finn liked me. I try not to convince myself of untrue things." I expect Quinn to just say OK or just ignore me, but she doesn't. She laughs.

"Next you're going to tell me that you don't like him."

"I don't!' I say loudly. "Why don't you believe me?'

"I see how you stare at him. How you laugh at his jokes. Now c'mon lets get to glee." She says her hazel eyes wide with annoyance.

I go inside. I try to convince myself that Quinn was lying. I almost am able to but then I realize something that makes my heart ache.

If anyone was lying about whether or not I like Finn it was me.


A/N So hyped that I can finally write about Rachel liking Finn.

Thanks again for reading. Try to vote or comment.

Remember to watch glee tonight. *squeal*


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