❋Not that girl❋

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A/N: WOW! More than 200 reads! Thank you all so much! 

Sorry I have'nt updated in forever.

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School is even worse than usual. I know that Quinn's dating Finn but Finn doesn't know that I know that hes dating Quinn. God I feel like I'm in an episode of Friends.

Which I've been marathoning for 3 days straight by the way. I feel an emotional connection to Rachel given that I was named after her. People may call her character selfish but she was good at heart. Just like me I think. Or at least I hope.

Rachel also coincidentally has boy issues. While she got off the plane and lived happily after with Ross, I'm not so sure about how me and Finn are going to end up.

His relationship with Quinn so far is rock solid. Even if its only been a couple days there hasn't been any drama. Usually Quinn doesn't seem to care about how the relationship ends up. Anybody in this school would like her so losing one guy isn't an issue. But shes sunk her claws into Finn. And shes not pulling them out anytime soon.

I try to focus on other things but Finn is my best friend so I can't avoid him. I can't avoid his hugs, his smiles, or the way he walks up to at the start of the day with eyes squinty from just waking up.

Just like he does now. He spreads his arms out for a hug like he does every morning. Finn looks down at me with no smile on his lips. I immediately pull out of his embrace.

"Whats wrong?" I say anxiously.

"What?" Finn says. "Nothing. I just- well- no. Nothing. Yeah nothing." He is so bad at lying. I've seen him acting awkwardly over these past few days , but I don't know why.

"Finn, if there is something you're not telling me-"

"You know what?" Finn says. "I'll tell you during glee club. Yeah, glee club." He says contently but still a little bit nervously. Before I'm able to ask anything else the bell rings and we have to go our separate ways. 

 As I walk to Algebra I ponder what he could possibly want to tell me. I've noticed his awkwardness but I thought that was just Finn being Finn. I guess it wasn't. I try to focus on dividing polynomials. Algebra is the class that most threatens my 4.0 average. For a minute I am finding it almost interesting but then my thoughts are drawn back to Finn. Maybe hes going to audition for NYADA. Or maybe he already got a college acceptance letter. Suddenly I hear Mercedes' words in my head.

Does Finn like me? No. He never would. Hes dating Finn I tell myself. I think of the lyrics from Wicked. Don't wish. Don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart. Can't a girl hope though? A little hope doesn't hurt anyone, does it? Are hoping and wishing the same thing. I want someone to give me the answers but no one can or will. All of my other classes pass by like quicksand. The seconds like minutes.The minutes like hours. 

When I finally get to glee club Mr. Schue has written PRACTICE! in big letters on the whiteboard. Everyone groans but we all no we have to.Nationals is only in 2 weeks and my audition is in 1 week.  Mr. Schuester has already started lecturing Puck by the time I walk in.

"C'mon Mr. Schue. You know we have Nationals in the bag. Right now I could be doing something actually worth my time." Puck says while slouching into his chair

" Such as?" Santana says with a devilish grin.

Mr. Schuester stops Puck before he can answer. "We might be good but we need to be great! So Puck, we do need to practice." 

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