Chapter 8 ☺️

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As promised :) and I hit 200 reads guys that's a lot for me even Though some say its little. Thanks guys for reading I wouldn't be doing this without your help.


Jake's p.o.v.

*Same morning.*

I woke up to my alarm ringing on my night stand. I looked at it and it read 7:08. Well it doesn't take long to get ready anyway. I yawned and stretched out of my bed to the restroom.

Once I was in the restroom I looked at the mirror. I looked at myself and wondered will that girl be at my school. She did look my grade, maybe she was. Anyway I took off my clothes and turned on the water. Once it was warm enough I rinsed my body.

It didn't take long, maybe five minutes tops. I just shampooed my hair with head and shoulders 2-in-1, then washed my body.

Once I was done I got out and wrapped my towel around my hips. I left my bathroom to my closet and picked black skinny jeans(not to skinny a little bit loose) with a red v neck. I put my boxers first of course then the clothes. I fixed my hair in the mirror so that my hair wasn't on my forehead. Once I was down with that and other things I went downstairs to the kitchen.

I was going downstairs when I saw my mom making breakfast. Weird, I usually make breakfast. She usually would just wait at the table, but now she's cooking. When I got downstairs I went to my mom and kissed her cheek.

"Morning mom, what are you doing cooking breakfast?" I asked. She kissed my cheek back and smiled. "My boy has to be strong for his mate, so I cooked breakfast. "

I looked at her and smiled. "Mom you didn't have to cook I could've done it myself. " She just looked at me and shook her head. "No I could handle it, and plus it's suppose to be my job to take care of YOU, so from now on i'll be cooking breakfast and dinner for the both of us. Understand? "

"Okay, I understand. " I sighed. She is really changing just from me having a mate. "Good now let's eat." She put the food on the table and we ate the food.


It was 7:30 by the time I finished eating. " Oh mom I have to go now. " It takes about 15 minutes to get from here to school since we live in the woody areas. My mom was putting the dishes away when she said,"okay have a good day Jake. " I grinned, brought my school backpack and went to my all black mustang. It was my baby. I opened the door, put the key in the ignition and drove off the driveway.


I was almost at school when this song "animals by matrix" started playing. I bobbed my head to the beat of the song and continued driving.

When the song was over I parked in my usual parking, there was no one parked next to me. I pulled out my key, grabbed my backpack and got out of my car. I locked it and walked to the doors I was walking when the school Barbie's walked up to me. Their leader was a werewolf, but not her crew. The leaders name was Sadi (sorry if that's your name) . She looked up to me and said,"Morning Jakey want to go somewhere later. " She was rubbing her arm on my arm while she was doing this.

I looked at her in disgust and replied," No. " I walked by pass her and went to the doors. Just because I'm alpha doesn't mean I'm a player or an attention seeker. I went to my 1st period which was math with Mr. Taylor. I went usual seat in the back and waited for class to start. If you didn't notice yet I like to ignore people except my beta and my mom.


It was already 10 minuets into class and we were taking notes when there was a knock on the door. Mr. Taylor was sitting at his desk he looked at the door and said," come in. "

Once that door opened I smelled her instantly she smelled like strawberrys and mango, is that weird? She was at the door looking around when she looked at me I could see the recognition in her eyes. She said," sorry I'm late sir. "

He looked at her and replied," Explain why you are late. " She looked like she didn't like the attention.

"I'm new here and I was looking for this class." She looked embarrassed. Mr. Taylor looked at her and said,"Okay why don't you take a seat next to Jake." She nodded and looked to where he was pointing at which was me. She took the seat next to me and Mr. Taylor continued talking about the lesson. I was just looking at her. When she looked at me I looked away the tingles were there too. And the day continued on.


When the last bell rang signaling it was the end of the day I was the first one out of the class.

During the day I found out that the girls name was Amelia and that I have her in every class. She was introducing herself in English class so I found out her name. It's like the moon goddess did this on purpose for us to be together.

I was walking to my car when I saw Amelia sprinting to her car which was actually parked next to mine. I guess she came to school after I came because no one was parked next to me. She got in her car waiting for someone.

I was just watching when one minute later I boy who kind of looked like her went to the car. I'm guessing that's her brother. I then continued my journey to my car I didn't want her to see me. I was almost to my car when Amelia's car left the parking.

I got into my car, put my backpack in the back seat and turned on the ignition. Soon I was leaving the school gates.



Sorry if this was lame for you guys I was trying to rush to finish this so I hope you guys do like this. And I will update next week. Oh and thank you again for the reads it means a lot

I love you guys byeeee


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