Chapter 11

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Amelia's p.o.v.

After that weird ass dream I went to the bathroom to change. I stripped my clothes off and went to the shower.

"Why was I having that dream?" My dream seemed so realistic, like I was really there. Ughh never mind that I'll ignore it for now, I need to get ready for school. I turned on the water and was smart this time. I waited at the side of the shower where the water wasn't hitting until it went warm.

"Ahhhh. " Just right. I went to do my normal routine which was, rinse my hair, shampoo it, rinse again , condition it , rinse body, rinse hair and body then I'm done. I used my coconut shampoo and conditioner on my hair. Which by the way smells heavenly.

Anyway when I finished washing my body. I wrapped my towel around my body and got out. I walked to my closet and decided what to wear.

I picked out a sweater that was loose fitting with small blue stripes. And I picked light blue shorts with some tearing? I don't think I'm explaining that correct...never mind.

I put on those clothes and wore my white converse to match. I walked back to the bathroom to fix my hair. I don't like wearing makeup I think I look weird with it. I blow dried my hair and curled it with my curling wand.

It took me 15 minutes to do that. I walked back to my room and checked the time. It was 7:30. Good I have time to eat breakfast. I grabbed my bag and went out of my room. I was passing by my brothers room so I knocked on his door.

"Noah are you done yet!?" I kept knocking on his door till he answered. "Yeah! I'm just putting my shirt. " He'll still have time to eat breakfast.

"Okay, I'm going to eat breakfast just go down when you're ready. " I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my parents were eating and drinking coffee. " Hey mom, hey dad!" My mom looked at me as I walked into the room.

She said," Morning sweetie, I need my car today so I'm going to drive you and your brother to school today. I'll pick you both after school okay?" Mann I wanted the car today, oh well it's not my car. I looked back at her and replied," Okay I guess." My dad was looking at me with a thoughtful look plastered on his face. I walked in front of him and waved my hand in his vision. " Daddd, are you okay? You are spacing out."

He shook his head a bit to get back to reality. He blinked and looked down at me. He said," Yeah I'm fine sweetie. I was just thinking if you would like a car of you own. You are already a senior and.." He didn't get to finish his sentence because I junped on him. "DAD!!! It'll mean the world to me if you got me my own car!!" I was hugging him tightly and looking up to his face since he was taller than me. I always wanted my own car, it's been my dream. AN ALL BLACK MUSTANG!! Cue the dreamy sigh.

My dad and mom laughed at my reaction. I let go of my dad and backed up. He looked at me and said," As I was saying before, you are already a senior and I think you deserve a car." I was grinning ear-to-ear, I am so excited for my own car. " YAAYYY I'M GETTING MY OWN CAR!!" I was jumping up and down I really wanted a car. I hugged my mom and dad at the same time so tight I think they couldn't breathe.

They both grunted in pain." Amy could you let us go? we can't breathe it's too tight. Need oxygen," they both said at the same time. I let go of them and they sucked in the air. I scratched the back of my neck." Sorry guys, I got a little too excited." My dad smiled and put his arm around me. " It's fine sweetie, we were over reacting." He leaned in closer to me," your mom more than me." I smiled and ended up laughing hard. My mom walked to my dad and punched his arm." I heard that, watch your back. You never know what'll happen." My dads smile went down to a scared expression. He held his arms up in surrender. "I'm sorry!! It won't happen again." My mom smirked. " Of course it won't."

This only made me laugh harder. I was laughing so hard my eyes started to water. At that time my brother chose to walk in. We all looked at him to see his mouth was open. I looked to see what we look like, my dad had his hands up with a scared expression, my mom had an evil look in her eye, and me, well I look like I was crying. Noah then spoke up," What the hell happened while I was not here?!?!" My mom, dad, and me looked at each other and went back to our normal state. I said," Long story short, I'M GETTING A NEW CAR !!!" I started smiling again. Noah looked at us wide eyed. "Awesome what kind of car are you getting?"

I still want a mustang. I replied," I don't know yet to mom and dad, they didn't tell me." I looked to them and my dad said," We can go shopping during the weekends to check for a car." I nodded at them. My mom then said," Okay time for us to go. Noah, Mia you guys are going to be late if we don't leave now." Awww I didn't get to eat breakfast. I'll just grab a granola bar from the table. " Okay," me and my brother replied. I went to grab the granola bar from the table and hugged my dad. As I let go I said," Don't you have to go work soon?" He looked at me and replied, " Yeah I have to go soon, and so do you and your brother."

" Okay dad we'll go now." Noah went to my dad and hugged him." Love you dad." He hugged back and replied," Love you too." Noah then went walked outside to the car. My mom pecked my dads lips and said," Bye honey, love you." He kissed her back and replied back," Love you too honey." She walked with me to the door. I looked back at my dad bag in hand, I waved bye to him and said," Bye dad, love you." He smiled and waved back. " Love you too now go to school you'll be late." I laughed and waved one last time. I closed the door to the house and checked the time on my phone. 7: 45 it takes about 10 minutes to get form the house to school, we'll have 5 minutes to spare. " HONK!!!" I jumped up in the air and looked in the car. My mom and Noah were in the car, but Noah's the one who honked the horn. I glared at him and went to the backseat of the car since he was in the passengers seat. I glared more at Noah when I got in the car.

"Not nice Noah." I crossed my arms across my chest. He looked at me innocently and replied, " I was trying to get you to get in the car." I glared at him harder. " You didn't have to honk THE FREAKING HORN, I ALMOST PISSED MYSELF!!!" He looked at me and started laughing," It was funny though." I looked away from him. " Whatever Noah." He stopped laughing. " Fine if it makes you feel better i'm sorry, Happy?" My mom looked in the mirrior and said," Cut it out guys and quiet down, okay?" We both looked at her and replied," Okay."

She looked back at us and said," Good." then she looked back at the road. I looked at my granola bar and opened it. I took a bite of it and ate it the rest of the ride.


When we arrived at the school I finished my last bite from my granola bar. My mom stopped the car in front of the doors. " Okay have a great day at school" Noah and I looked at her and we both said, "Okay, love you mom." She looked at us and replied," Love you both too, know go before the bell rings. We got out of the car and walked to the doors. I looked back and saw my mom driving away from the school. We walked through the doors and saw people at there lockers, talking to friends, and people walking to their classes. I sighed and said," Let the day begin."












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