Chapter 6

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Okay I just realized that I put dad instead of mom. I need to fix that so sorry for those who got confused about that I fixed that already. And I also added to the summary that his mom isn't that depressed she just feels lonely, Jake keeps her going.
Hope you enjoy this chapter


Jakes p.o.v.

When I went home, I parked my car and went inside my house. I went to the kitchen to see my mom there.

"Hey mom is dinner ready yet?" During dinner I would ask her about mates.

My mom looked at me and smiled "Your home. Dinner is almost ready we're having steak"

I love steak. Oh I forgot to mention that we don't live in the pack house, each person could live in the pack house or individually. I'm alpha, but I choose to live in privacy. That's why it's quiet in here.

"Okay call me when it's ready, I'll be in my room, and I have something I want to talk about during dinner. "

"Okay dear I'll call you."

My mom is kind of lonely since my dad passed away. Because of that I was forced to take over the pack at a young age. My mom looks happy, deep inside she still hurts that her other half died.

I ran upstairs to my room. Once I went in I jumped on my bed. My room was all black, I had a bathroom, walk in closet, flat screen tv , and a king sized bed.

I was thinking of what I was going to ask my mom about mates when I remembered about that girl, my mate. She look so small compared to me, she had brown hair with slight curls on the end and had this green eyes that remind me of the beautiful forest. And her voice! it was beautiful it was soft and melodic it was music to my ears. She look like she could fit perfectly in my arms.

I sounded so whip there and I don't even know anything about her. When I thought that I got a call. I looked at my iPhone and saw it was my best friend Ryan aka my beta. He has his own mate already named Jasmine. They met when Jasmine moved into town and joined the pack Ryan immediately knew she was the one and she did to.

I wish I could do that to, but I know that will only scare her since she is only human. I have to get her to know me and I will tell her my secret or she might find out herself. Back to the present.

"What's up Ryan?" I've known Ryan ever since we were kids.

"Nothing I just wanted to know what you were doing and know how's life going." He seemed to me he was calling because he was bored, maybe because Jasmine went shopping. I can imagine him laying on the bed just like me.

"Well, I'm great I think I found my mate!" I have to tell him this he's my brother from another mother.

"Holy sh*t really! Oh my god the big bad alpha found his mate!" My best friend is crazy don't mind him. We are both crazy, but we can be really serious when we need to.

"Yeah I found her while I was shopping for pillows, but she's human so it will take long to earn her trust." I really just want to hold her in my arms forever.

"Man I'm so happy for you, you can finally have your other half."

"Oh that reminds me I need to talk to my mom about mates." Right on time my mom called me for dinner.

"Yeah you should talk to her about them maybe she'll open up to you." I was thinking that in my head.

"Yeah well I have to go my mom is calling me" I can't wait to talk I her.

" Okay shoot see you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah shoot." and with that I hung up the phone. I threw my phone onto my bed an ran downstairs.

I'm not sure if I can ask my mom about this. I've always been serious ever since my dad passed away two years and I was forced to take over the pack at 16. Maybe my little mate can change that.

I walked into the the dining room and saw my mom there sitting at the head of the table. The table could hold five people and was mahogany. The room also had a basic red carpet and a picture of me, my mom, and my dad hanging in the wall, we were at a pack party three years ago. We were all happy back then.
Back to the room it also just had a door that connects to the kitchen.

"Hey mom. " I said as I took my seat next my mom. I looked at the table and saw that my mom cooked roast chicken.

"Hey Jake, let's eat now." My mom looks tired ever since my dad passed away. I know she tries to stay happy because I'm here, I know that it's really hard to lose your mate, your lover, your other half, but she tries for my sake. After the first few months of my dad's passing my mom was numb, she had no life in her eyes, I had to literally drag her outside and at least be happy, I still needed my mom in my life.

We ate in silence until I decided to break it. "Mom what do you know about mates?" My mom looked at me before saying," Why? Did you finally find your mate? Is she pretty, is she nice?" My mom look so happy, the happiest she's been ever since my dad.

I smile sheepishly and scratched the back of my head. "She's perfect, but I don't know anything about her. I only ran into her for about five minutes, she had to leave after and I didn't even get her name." While I was rambling my mom was smiling from ear to ear.

"Well,sounds like someone is in love, but let's get back to mates." Did I really love her at first sight?

"Okay, what do you know about mates?", I asked my mom.

"Okay when you meet your mate she will smell really good, it's addictive. Then, when you make eye contact it feels like only you two exist and when you guys touch it feels like sparks are going on."

That's exactly what it felt like for me, but it sounds so girly.
"How about the process?" I felt weird talking about this,I should know about this already because I'm alpha.

My mom looked at me and continued talking like a teacher teaching her student. Oh and we were still eating while talking." Okay the mating process is simple first you mark your mate by biting her, the mark will be a crescent with the other mates name on it. Second is when you guys get closer your mind-links will open. Lastly, is when you guys get intimate aka. mate, when you guys do that the bond is complete and you guys are each other's forever almost like marriage."

The way my mom said it made it sound simple, but in my mind it seemed complicated.
"What if the mate is human?" I was honestly scared what my mom was going to say.

My mom looked at me with a soft expression and said,"your mate is human isn't she?"

"Yeah I'm just scared to tell her about the wolf world, she might run away from me thinking I'm a monster." I was sad that I might lose her because of that I can't say my secret until I earn her trust.

"Honey don't worry about that she will love you, just let her know the real you." my mom always knew the right thing to say.

"Thanks mom it means a lot and about human mates. " I still wanted to know what happens.

My moms face lit up and she said," Oh yeah, when you first meet your mate she won't know about the bond do you will have to win her heart ,but she will fell the sparks when you guys touch. After a while she will soon notice the bond and ask you about it, I would suggest you tell her before she finds out for herself and that's basically it. Also human or wolf you both can't live life without each other it's too painful."

I knew that's how my mom felt about my dad. " Thanks mom for telling me, I wouldn't know anything thing if it weren't for you." I love my mom so much I would do anything for her.

"Your welcome Jake, now help me put the dishes away. "

"Okay" After putting the dishes away I said goodnight to my mom and went up to my room. I fell onto my bed and instantly fell asleep peacefully thinking of my mate.



There you go guys I glimpse of Jakes life and about mates. I hope you guys like this chapter.

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Thanks for reading and I hope you guys had a good New Years and that's it. Bye


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