Chapter 10

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VOTE!!!!!! I wrote this on the computer


*Amelia's dream*

Amelia's p.o.v.(obviously it's her dream)

I was in a room. This wasn't my room though. It was all black, had a flat screen, and a king sized bed. "Hello."

I looked around and saw there was a door. I went through the door and came to a hallway. I heard noises to my right so I went there.

I was kept on walking till I came to stairs going down. I went down the stairs and the noises turned into voices. I walked a little more and ended up in a living room.

When I walked in I saw....


I gasped. What is he doing here. He heard my gasp and turned around. He saw it was me and smiled. " Hey took you long enough what were you doing in my room looking for gold?." He laughed T-T-That was his room. Why was I in there? Why I'm in his house? Who are these people behind him? lastly and importantly how I'm i dreaming of his house when I never went there?

"Amy? Are you okay, you spaced out there?"

"Huh" I looked at him and he was smiling like seriously smiling when i don't know what is going on. I am having a mental breakdown here. Nothing makes sense right now. Jake is talking to me like he's known me for years. And that the fact he's calling me by one of my nick names.

He walked up next to me and put his arm around me."I said are you okay you spaced out there?"

I replied,"Yeah i'm fine, just thinking." He pulled me closer almost hugging me and said,"Anyway I want you to meet two most important people to me." I looked at the two people sitting on the couch. I saw a women with a comforting smile and a guy who look like he had a serious yet funny personality when he wants to. All that was going on in my mind was what the FUCK is going on.

Jake pulled me closer to the two people who just smiled at me. I looked down embarressed and saw what I was wearing for the first time. I... was .... wearing... a.....freaking....DRESS. I hate wearing dresses with passion cue the cringe. It was an all white dress with a black ribbon that wraps around my waist and stops mid-thigh.

"Am, this," he pointed to the women," is my mom, Mia." She had blond hair and blue eyes like Jake, but his own was more of an icy blue . Wait.. wait why i'm I talking about his eyes I barely know him. But I feel this attraction to him. Gosh I need to stop before he notices I spaced out again.

The women who was Jake's mom smiled and got off the couch to me. " Hi dear I'm Mia, but you already know that." She took my hand and shaked it. She muttered under her voice so low that I could barely hear it, like she didn't mean for me to hear it. " She will make a great mate."

What's a mate, like a friend?I was thinking when i realized I didn't reply back yet. I decided to ignore what she said and put it far in the back of my mind. I looked at her and smiled she seemed like a nice lady. " Hi i'm Amelia, but you can call me by any nick name." I shook her hand back and look back to see Jake smiling at me and his mom.

She let go of my hand and said," Oh almost forgot." she turned to me,"You can call me Mia dear." I smiled and nodded." I will Mia." She nodded approved that i call her Mia.

She turned to Jake," Keep her, she seems like a great girl." Jake smirked and said," I will mom don't worry." Wait keep me? Ahh nevermind i'll ignore that. Mia walked back to the couch she was sitting on and then the guy got up to me.

Jake pulled me close hugging me from behind. He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver, a good shiver."This is my bestfriend,Ryan." The Ryan held out his hand to mine and said,"Hi, nice to finally meet the girl my bestfriend is heads over heels about." Jake shook his head and hit Ryan playfully on the arm.Heads over heels? This dream is the craziest dream I ever had. I shook his hand back and said,"nice to meet you too."

Ryan held his hands up and said to Jake," Hey i'm just saying whats true." I laughed and smiled. Jake grinned." Whatever Ry."

Ryan looked back at me and said seriously,"Really though its nice to meet you." I smiled and nodded. Ryan smiled and pat my head like a pet. I put my hands to my head and fixed my hair. Ryan laughed and went back to the couch to sit.

Jake turned me to face me and said," Now you know them." He got closer to me and whispered,"I love you." He moved away fom me and said like he didn't want me to go," Time to wake up." Wait what i'm still frozen from what he said. He said he loved me. What is happening, i have so many questions.

He was fading and everything else was fading. I held my hand to him but it went through. "Wait! I have so many questions." Everything was fading so fast. I heard Jake say one last thing ," Bye.." Then everything went white.


I opened my eyes and saw I was in my room. I muttered to myself," That was the weirdest dream I ever had." I looked at the time and saw it was 7:00 am. Time to get ready for school. I got off the bed and went to the restroom.


Jake's p.o.v.


I saw her fading and said," Bye.."

I woke up and frowned I miss her already. If you didn't know yet I was controling the dream. I am able to do that because of the bond we share, it is already strong or else I wouldn't be able to do what I did. I ignore her in class because I don't want people to talk about her. I don't like talking to people in school and if I talk to her people might talk about her, for example the humans, I can't tell them to stop, but if they're from my pack I can tell them to stop.

I only talk to members of my pack after school. The human "barbie" group might bully Amy just because i'm talking to her.I don't want her to get hurt so I have to ignore her. Maybe I could talk to her somewhere outside of school where they won't see me talking to her.

I feel do close to her already yet I barely know her. I love her and i'll admit that. Anyway back to reality I check the time and saw it was 7:01 am. Well time to get up. I got off my bed and got ready for school.



Here you go my first upload from the computer. I hope you guys like this chapter. Also I have tests coming up so I don't know if i'll be able to uplpad next week. Lets hope i can.I changed my username so it's not bookkworm01 it's Thee_Angeline. Also check out my new book "long awaited love" Anyway.....








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