Chap. 1

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Okay this first chapter may be short, but please give my book a shot my chapters eventually get longer so please. Thank You.


Hey, my name is Amelia, I'm seventeen years old and live in canada. Well I use to live there until my dad got this job opportunity that he said and I quote "it's once in a lifetime thing."

So now here I am on a plane going to California leaving all my friends behind for my last year of high school. cue the "sigh".Well it's alright I want my family happy. And maybe I might find new friends,right?

*3 hours later*(i don't know if it's correct)

"Mom,where's my luggage!?"She peeked out from the living room and yelled," It's in your bedroom dear." I replied,"Okay,thanks!" Okay... I forgot to mention we're in the new house already. Okay, let's catch up..

*1 hour ago*

After,getting of the plane we went through the "checking" I think. Then, we went to get our luggage,drove to the house, and started to unpack. OH! And the truck with our stuff came.


Now I'm here in my new house that has 2 floors,4 rooms,1 guest room, and 2 bathrooms. My room is plain white like a hospital. "shiver" scary. It has a queen size bed already and a frame? That's kinda weird to me. I started to examine the and saw I have a closet, a bathroom,a window, and a balcony (SCORE).

I unpacked my clothes,my picture frames, and other small things. I sighed and fell on my bed exhausted. I look to my right and saw it was night. I got lazy and just knocked out right there.




Okay this might have sucked and was short, but you know i'll admit it this chapter sucked,

It's my first time. Anyway, If you want to ask me anything, correct me, leave me a comment. So yeah I hoped you like this and follow me "thee_angeline" I'll really appreciate it. THANKS!!!!


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