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The students are really busy to their own business and the professor came in. " Peace please " the professor said and every students shut their mouth.

" So today we have a late transferee, " the students didnt care and continue to their own business. " Come in student " The poor professor said.

A young beautiful girl came in. Many girls roll their eyes and the boys are all staring at her except him.

" Hello! Nice to meet you all! I am Dara Park! You can call me Dara! " she said being cheerful eventhought she is not.

Well, she wants to spend her life happily with many friends. She is kinda afraid because her mom lives lonely with no friends. She dont want to be her mom so she is trying hard.

" Ok you may seat to that chair at the back, were going to arrange again your seats later " the old professor said. Hannah is freakin annoyed about the transferee, with her friends.

" She is attention grabber! We must do something about her that everyone want to forget her " Kristine said rolling her eyes. " Tin is right! We must do something " Clara said.

" Oh yes, good girls. I have a plan " she smirks evilly.

On the other place, GD is everywhere. He is a chaos maker. Why? Everywhere he goes, for sure theres a chaos.

" That guy look so cool but in inside he is a gay " jealous men whispering to each other but GD heard them.

This GD wont let them gossiping about him so he must do something to scare them. " Hey, what are you talkin' about huh? " he said while punching the table.

They kinda shock about it. " Why? Dont you know me? " Mark said, he is the son of the owner of the university. " Are ya' that important? Do i need to know ya' ?" GD said in a low voice which made them shivers.

" T-that's not what you think -- " Mark said scared. " I'll warn ya' if you will not study and just gossip to each other, I'll cut ya, ya, YOUR head off, understood? " GD said, the three nods. GD repeated his question. " UNDERSTOOD?! " GD screams and punch the table which made them scream too. " YES SIR! " The three screamed. " Am i your sir huh? Am i your professor?! " GD snarl at them while hitting the table.

" No! We're sorry! " the three said and GD leave them. The three noticed that everyone was looking at them. " How embarassing " Mark said and sip his cola while putting his foot up the table.

GD is now walking towards the room while eating his favorite, ice cream. But unfortunately....... Dara bump him and his lovely ice cream fell on the floor. He slowly look at Lane face, he is really angry. " Do you know what will happen to you huh?! " he screams make everyone look at them and make Dara scared.


BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now