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As GD walk slowly towards the the man named 'TOP' a billionaire who owns a company and at the same time a gangster who GD messed with back then.... well ofcourse this tall guy will not let it pass that easily.

GD has no idea of this, but..anger fill his heart. He want this guy to be beaten.

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU!" GD immidiately give TOP a hard punch on his stomach which made him choke.

On the other hand, Dara immidiately call the ambulance. Taeyang just keep on smiling and it is not helping. Its actually creepy. Dara started to cry. She is soft as a feather. "Taeyang, please hold on. You need to hold on. *cries*" Dara said and stop the blood flowing from Taeyang's abdomen.

While GD angrily fighting TOP.......the tall guy just smirk while wiping the blood oozing from his lips.

"Its so fun playing with you Kwon Ji Yong" TOP said which made GD twitch his eyebrows. No one knows his name, except his dad, dara, his mother, and his friends.

GD stop on his movements. He froze, he cant move his hands. TOP just snickered and cough.

"Why? Are you surprised that i know your full name? C'mon Kwon Ji Yong" he said and smirk again followed by a silent laugh.

"Kwon Ji Yong, Kwon Ji Yong. Why did you become a stone there? Ji Yong? Ji Yong~" he continued to call his name with annoying tune.

GD slowly look at his eyes directly and clench his fist which TOP look at.

TOP immidiately grab the opportunity to punch GD to his face and his stomach.

GD was thrown to the floor. TOP grab his collar and continue to punch his face. But GD didnt even move and let TOP to punch him.

"PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!" Dara shouted at TOP, he doesnt care.. he continue to punch him.

Then a flashback play from GDs mind.


It was a beautiful sunset at a field...There are two men playing at the grass.

"Yah! Choi Seung Hyun! If you keep punching like that, you'll never beat someone!" GD shouted and hold TOPs hand and teach him on how to throw a punch.

"Yeah! Like that! Cool! By the way, what are your dreams when you grow up?" GD ask him out of nowhere.

TOP excitedly answered his question with a smile.

"Me? I want to be an artist! I want to build my own museum full of my own painting! I want to be a famous painter in our country!" He said and look at the orange blue sky.

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now