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Dara woke up and slowly look around. "Where am i?" She mutters, she try to stand up. "Ouch, why my whole body hurts?" She said and lay down at the hard floor.

"Your body hurts because you drink something" Hyun Suk said and sit infront of Dara. "W-who you?" She said scared. "Im sorry miss, i mess with your boyfriend" he said and dara look at him confuse.

"W-what do you mean? I dont have any boy friend" she said. "Oh is it one sided love? Pity for him." He laughs and dara eye him. "Dont worry, he will come to you and save you" hyun suk smirks. "Please let me go." She said and a tear escape her eyes.

"Not yet, the game just start yesterday and i didnt enjoy it yet. If i let you go hmm it will be boring." He smirks again which make dara shivers.

Hyun Suk leaves and Dara cryed. "Why am i here? Please! Let me go!" Dara continue to cry.

GD grip the cellphone because he is watching Dara helplessly screaming for help which breaks his heart.

"I am sorry dara, i am sorry." He said.


GD kick the door open. GD look for Dara hurriedly. There he found her sleeping at the floor weakly.  "Dara,im here" GD whisper to her ears. "G-GD" she said and slowly open her eyes. "Shh, i will take you out here" he said and help her to stand up.

"Ohoho, my god. Are you that stupid Ji Yong?" Hyun Suk said and click his tounge.  "Anyway, you are not goig anywhere." Hyun suk said while laughing crazily.

"Dont mess with Dara! Dont mess with her! DONT FUCKING MESS WITH HER!" he screams and Hyun suk blink his eyes. "If i dont mess with her, how can i win?" He said and smirks at him.

"FUCK YOU!" He screams again and rage towards hyun suk. He punch him at his face. He doesnt stop, Hyun suk blood oozing from his mouth.

"I am going to make you suffer! You bastard!" He said angrily and continue to punch hyun suk until his face covered with blood.

"G-GD s-stop" Dara said which made GD stop what he was doing. GD helps her again to stand up and going to escape the room.

But then, a loud noise from a gun was aired.


The end is near guys. Thanks for reading my story. I know that this is sucks but thank you! Thank you!



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