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The lights turn on and GD slowy removing the mask but the guy wont let him do it so he slap GDs hands.

"Who are you!? Why? Why are you doing this!?" But GD notice something and quickly grab the mask.

"OMO!" A tear escape from Dara's eyes.

GD drop the mask and it fell on the ground. "No way. No the fucking way. What the fuck" his eyes become teary at the sight.

"Why? What the hell" GD said with his shaking voice. Dara hug him.

"GD its alright hmm? For now calm down" Dara said and hug GD.

"Sorry. Im really sorry Ji ------"

GD cut him off. "I-i-i just cant....... i dont know why is this happening! I cant really believe this" GD said and a tear escaped his eyes.

"I never knew that a friend of mine will betrayed me. That friend of mine. Whom i trust the most. I got.......fucked up"

GD is shaking right now, crying. If everyone will see this, they will not believe it.

"Im really sorry Ji Yong. Im really sorry. I know you cant accept my apology but im really sorry. Police will came soon. They will get me and lock me up in the prison with Hyun Suk. My father" Taeyang smile. A really sad one.

GD is surprise to what he hear. He cant believe it. Also dara with her eyes wide.

"What?! You didnt even tell me taeyang?!" GD rage towards him. "GD stop!" Dara try to stop him and the police barge inside.

"Mr. Dong Young Bae, you are under arrest. Trying to murder someone" the police said and going to handcuff taeyang.

"Wait! He didnt harm us!" Dara said. "Thats enough. He is the son of the corrupt human being that i ever see." The police said and handcuff taeyang.


BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now