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[ GD POV ]

I arrived at the hospital where Dara is.


"GD! DARA IS NOT HERE!" Taeyang shouted and run towards me. I angrily look at him.

"What?! The fuck, Taeyang. I told you to save her. I told you to protect her" i said and turn my back to him.

"Dont worry, i will find her" i said and start to run again.


Its all my fault. Hyun Suk that bastard. I will kill him by my hands.

A tear escape my eye. I fucking love Dara. Fuck Hyun suk. What is he planning? Why do he have to do this?!

Taeyang's phone ring. I look at the number and it is unknown. I wipe my tears and answer the call.

"G-GD" its dara!

"DARA! WHERE ARE YOU HUH?! ANSWER ME!" I shouted at the phone.

"Do you want to save your girl? Come here freak and fight me. 196 DAEGU ABANDON HOSPITAL *CREEPY LAUGHS*"  i dont know who it is. Because the voice is changed.

"FUCK YOU, I WILL KILL YOU LATER. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU NO MATTER WHAT WILL HAPPEN!" i said angrily and end the call. I start to walk towards my motor.


Thanks for reading my shit. Thank you very much for wasting your time in this shitty story. Im sorry.

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now