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GD cant figure out what he will do. "GD" taeyang said and smile. But his smile is a sad one.

"Yo" he said and tap taeyang's back. "I know you like her" taeyang said and chuckled, "Who?" GD said innocently.

"Dara" GD sigh. "I know," taeyang said and look at GDs eyes. "Huh?" He said. His mind is flying because of Hyun Suk threat.

"I'll go with you tomorrow, im fine with that. As long as you protect dara" he smile bitterly. "H-how did you?" Pityful GD who cant do anything.

"Im sorry" he said. "Its alright. I know how you feel" taeyang said.


Dara is waiting at her blind date, but the guy didnt come for te 3rd time.

"Aish, why do i need to wait for that jerk?!" She said really annoyed. She call her mom. "Mom, he still not here" she said controlling her voice.

"I know." Her mom end the call. She let go a sigh and drink her wine up. She stand up and walk towards the cr but someone grab her.


GD knocked on the door of hyun suk office. "Let him in" Hyun Suk smirk as he see GD and Taeyang.

GD glared at him. "Ohoho! What a come back!" Hyun suk said teasing gd. "What do you want from me?" Taeyang said glaring at hyun suk too.

"Hmm, what do i want to you? Hmm" he said and walk around gd and taeyang. "Hmm, i want you two fight" hyun suk smiled.

"What?!" Gd screamed. "Are you kidding?" Gd want to kill hyun suk.Really. "Do you think im kidding?---" he was cut off when taeyang punch gd.

Gd propelled on the floor. "Is this what you want huh?!" Taeyang said and grab hyun suk's collar.

"Ahehehe, let go or this girl will die by my hands" hyun suk said in a serious way when he play  a video in his projector.Dara was tied at the floor with a blood on her face.

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now